It's tough being the trailblazer, especially when it comes to technology, and the Oculus Rift has felt that more than anyone else.
It was the product that kicked off the virtual reality craze and got the world interested the new medium, but after its announcement other competitors came to market with a more complete vision, with motion controllers included in the box and other technological advantages.
When we first reviewed the Oculus Rift it was still having teething problems, but now, after the release of its own (very capable) motion-controllers in the form of the Oculus Touch, the platform feels much more complete.
But while the Oculus Rift has taken a few steps forward, it's still lagging behind the market leader – and its main rival – the HTC Vive.
In its current state, the Oculus Rift is a smart, well-crafted device, yes, but I think calling it "the future of entertainment" or somehow more worthy of your money than the HTC Vive is – at this point– a bit premature.
That's because although the Oculus Rift has Touch controllers and room-scale VR, those experiences aren't something you'll get right out of the $600 / £499 / AU$859 box. The only tool you're given to interact with your new virtual surroundings with is an ineffective one: an Xbox One controller.
Both Oculus Rift and the Oculus Touch controllers give us very good reason to be optimistic about the future of virtual reality – however, for right now at least, everything wonderful and good about the Rift comes with a caveat.
But before we dive too deep into specifics, let's take a moment to talk about the two most important aspects to consider before deciding to buy a Rift of your own: price and the minimum PC requirements.
If you've been following the virtual reality scene you probably know this already, but the Oculus Rift requires a wired connection to a PC in order to have enough power to drive two 1080x1200 resolution images to each lens inside the headset. It can't just be any old run-of-the-mill PC, either – you're going to need a top of the line gaming PC to enjoy everything the Rift has to offer.
Originally, the minimum specs put out by Oculus called for an Intel Core i5 4590 or equivalent processor, 8GB of RAM and an NVIDIA GTX 970 or AMD Radeon 290 video card. Most of the hardcore gaming community might already have these components on hand, but if you're a casual gamer or currently more of a PC layman, these parts will be the first of two costly investments you need to pay for upfront.
Recently, however, that minimum spec has been brought down to an Intel i3-6100, instead of the more expensive Intel i5-4590, and GPUs can now start from the Nvidia GTX 960 from the recommended 970.
That change brings down the cost of the system required to play VR games to around $499 by Oculus's estimates, and says that it's teaming up with Cyberpower to bring pre-made rigs like that to the public.
The other expenditure is the Oculus Rift itself, which comes in at $600 / £499 / AU$859. That's about $200 less than its closest competitor, the HTC Vive, and about $200 more than the headset Sony is putting out in October for the PS4.
Performance-wise I find it to be a "you get what you pay for" situation. When paired with the proper hardware, the Oculus Rift is far superior to PlayStation VR, and light years ahead of Google Cardboard and Samsung Gear VR, both of which only rely on the power of your cell phone to gaze into the plane of virtual reality. It's not quite as immersive or as capable as the HTC Vive, but I'll touch on that point more in a bit.
So what exactly are you buying? What does the Oculus Rift do?
How the Oculus Rift works
I've tried my best to explain virtual reality in words and, on multiple occasions, have completely and utterly failed. At best all I can do is paint a half-cocked image in hopes to inspire you to go out and find a friend or coworker with an Oculus Rift of their own who'd be kind enough to let you give it a whirl. Here goes nothing.
Imagine standing on the ledge of a 100-story building. Imagine looking down at the street below you. Imagine the tightening of your stomach and the sense of dread that you might, at any second, fall to your demise.
Now imagine taking one step forward.
You're falling and the world is whipping before you. You're petrified. But you also feel alive. The second right before you hit the ground is the worst – your brain is actually prepared for the moment by dumping adrenaline into your system as a mild painkiller.
But while all this is happening, you haven't actually moved. You've been sitting in a chair in your own home, staring into a screen. Your biometrics have changed, but, geographically speaking, you're exactly where you were 10 minutes ago.
This is what it's like to use virtual reality, to get the experience of being somewhere else in a different time, a different place, sometimes as far as an alien world, all without ever leaving your home.
This product is the fruit of a four-year research project that launched on Kickstarter, made $2 million, then was purchased by one of the most powerful tech companies in the world, Facebook. The Oculus Rift shipping these days is the first commercially available unit – the fourth evolution of the headset that started back in 2012 with Developer Kit 1.
The latest iteration of the headset is significantly better than any of the previous development kits. It's easier to setup thanks to an intuitive program that you're prompted to download when you plug it in, and it takes less technical knowhow to install games and troubleshoot when things go awry.
Like other virtual reality headsets, the Oculus RIft has the arduous task of completely immersing you in a video game by producing two images simultaneously. It does this by hooking into the back of your graphics card's HDMI port and using a camera to track your head movement. You can either sit or stand while wearing the headset, whichever you find more comfortable. But, unlike the HTC Vive, you won't be able to use the hardware inside the box to actually walk around at all (what we commonly refer to as "room-scale VR"). For that, you'll have to shell out another $200/£189 or around AU$265.
What you'll get inside every Oculus Rift box, however, is the headset itself, the Oculus Sensor, a small Oculus Remote that can be used to control videos and change the volume on the headset, a Xbox One Wireless Controller with 2 AA batteries, an Xbox One controller adapter and extender and Lucky's Tale, a platforming game that is best compared to a 360-degree version of Super Mario Bros. If you pre-ordered the Rift, it also came with EVE: Valkyrie Founder's Pack.
Once you've plugged the headset into the HDMI port on your GPU, the two USB cables from the headset and sensor to two USB 3.0 ports on your PC and the Xbox One controller adapter into a USB 2.0 port on your PC, you're ready to start the short and simple setup process, which only takes about 10 minutes.
What you'll find when you're done is a library of about 100 titles that are longer than anything found on the HTC Vive. I've played a good deal of them, and while some were better than others, there weren't any that I felt were a waste of time or money. I'll cover them in more detail on the next page but, in the broadest of strokes, the Rift is a fun gaming system, even if it's not number one right now.
It's almost scary how far the Oculus Rift has come in such a short period of time.
The headset we tested just two years ago felt rough, cheap and borderline shoddy. It didn't track well and trying to get lag-free gameplay – even on a powerhouse gaming rig – was just short of impossible.
The final consumer version of the headset on the other hand is an elegant, sleek and, dare I say, stylish black brick you stick on your face. You may not look great wearing it, but the actual hardware can't be faulted for aesthetics.
When you first hold it, it's not weighty – in fact, it almost has a hollow feel, like all the weight has been put into the chassis and there's nothing but glass and thin film inside. Put it on, however, and those expectations of fluffy weightlessness will all go away.
When you're sitting down, the visor portion will weigh heavy on the front of your head. It's not something you notice immediately, but something you'll feel in your neck the longer you're immersed in your new virtual world. Thankfully, it doesn't necessarily dig in thanks to dense foam, but when it's tightened to the proper point, it's a snug fit. There are foam cushions on the back portion of the strap, too, so the back of your head rests in a cushy cradle.
The straps are a bit on the rigid side. They're made from bendable plastic that has some give, but overall holds its shape. There's velcro located on each strap that you use to adjust the position of the headset on your face.
These straps are absolutely vital as the Rift needs to be positioned properly on your face, otherwise the focus in the VR experience is off. This will happen if the headset is hanging a little loose or isn't centered, creating a blurred effect. Too tight, and while the headset is secure and the focus generally spot on, it tends to be uncomfortable. When this happened, it never got to the point where I needed to take the headset off to escape the discomfort, but it ached slightly, and left a headset-shaped impression on my face.
The opposite problem isn't good, either. When it's too loose, gaps allow light to come through from underneath the faceplate. Light will peek through and games will suddenly lose some of their immersiveness when you can see your hands working on the Xbox controller.
But sight is just one of the senses that needs to be transformed to feel fully immersed in virtual reality. The other, as you might guess, is hearing.
To address this, Oculus includes a pair of small ear pads that sit flush on the side of the headset. They can be rotated to sit directly on top of the ear, or flipped up when someone needs your attention back in the real world. I find, for the most part, that the headphones provided with the Rift work well. They offer 3D surround sound and have enough clarity to clearly hear all the in-game audio cues.
The only real problem I had with the headphones is that they randomly disconnect from time to time. I'll be in the middle of a game when, all of a sudden, the sound completely cuts out.
However, like the HTC Vive, the Oculus Rift allows you to use your own headphones instead of forcing a pair on you. I picked a pair of Creative Sound Blaster H5s due to their padding and excellent sound quality, and using an external pair of cans eliminated any issues I had with the sound cutting out. You can plug the headphones into your computer's audio jack or, if you're sitting too far from your PC, straight into the 3.5mm jack on the Xbox One controller.
The other benefit of using your own pair of headphones, especially one with a volume slider on the side or in the cord, is that it makes it easier to manage the volume when it's too loud or too soft. (Though, admittedly, it's almost always the former.)
However, Oculus recently introduced a third option into the mix – Oculus Earphones. These in-ear earbuds replace the on-ear pads that shipped with the original system and promise VR-compatible drivers for more immersive experiences and better noise isolation for only $49.
Another piece of the puzzle here is the Xbox One controller. Now, there's nothing inherently wrong with Microsoft's excellent gamepad – as far as controllers go, it's probably the best.
That said, virtual reality is no place for a standard controller. There are a few titles that feel natural with a controller – Lucky's Tale and Pinball FX VR are two that pop to mind – but that leaves about three dozen games that desperately need Touch controllers to be truly enjoyable.
With the Xbox One controller, games in first-person that use the left thumbstick to move create a sort of cognitive dissonance: it feels like you're moving, but your body is just sitting there, creating a sinking feeling in your stomach. The Rift isn't anywhere close to Nintendo's Virtual Boy system that caused seizures back in the '90s, but expect to get varying degrees of nausea while trying out the different titles.
But we'll Touch on the controller and how it works in VR more deeply in a minute.
The last important part is the long strand of cables connecting the headset to the PC. It comes out the rear of the headset and curves over your back or shoulder, so you can then hide it behind your chair. When you're sitting or standing, the cord doesn't get in the way, but if you're attempting to go for complete Matrix-style immersion, it's something you can constantly feel.
Performance and content library
OK, so far everything we've talked about applies to every Oculus Rift setup out there. Here's where we start to venture into "your miles may vary" territory.
What I've found, using a properly spec'd PC, is that performance is rock-solid. I never noticed a screen tear or a dropped frame in any of the games I played. That speaks volumes about the kind of quality control Oculus is exerting on the games that come to its svelte storefront, and again how far this hardware has come in four short years.
Tracking, done through the included Oculus Sensor, is fairly sturdy, too. You're able to turn your body more than 180 degrees and it will still recognize what you're doing. The sensor sits about 10 inches above your desk and can be tilted up or down, depending on what position you're currently in.
Take off the headset and the visor shuts off. Pick it up and put it on, and the screen will light back up. The external and internal sensors are pretty smart, thankfully, meaning you won't need to manually switch the headset on when you want to use it.
What the sensor can't track, at least when you're not holding the Touch controllers, are your hands. And that's a deal breaker.
I can't tell you how many times I wish the Rift shipped with Touch Controllers while playing games on the headset. Using a controller to move a bumper in air hockey simply feels unnatural. Making them an optional upgrade for the many thousands who already pre-ordered and own an Oculus Rift is a major faux pas.
There's a level of intuition that comes from using your hands. You know how to throw a ball, how to climb a rock wall and shake hands in real life. Translating the most basic of movements to a controller is imperfect at best and convoluted at worst, especially if you're someone who doesn't frequently use an Xbox One controller.
Moreover, because every game seems to be shoehorned to work with a controller, it feels like you could take almost any game on the Oculus storefront and port it over to an Xbox One without actually losing anything.
And while some of those games are really fun, immersive experiences, some of them – even the first-party titles – are plain gimmicky. Like looking into a 2016 version of our childhood Viewfinder, animated images will run up to you, roar in your face or threaten you to elicit a psychological response. It's a shallow parlor trick, similar to watching the first movies in 3D.
This is made up for, somewhat, by the huge selection of well thought out titles. All the games you've been drooling over are here: EVE Valkyrie, Elite Dangerous and ADR1FT are all available on the store, with plenty more to come sooner rather than later. Even more exciting, though, are that there are plenty of games that work with the Rift that aren't on the store, including family-favorite Minecraft.
Oculus sorts games by how much motion there is in the game, and how likely it is to make your stomach churn. There are three set levels: comfortable, moderate and intense. Comfortable games barely require moving your head and, if you do, you do so slowly. Moderate steps it up a notch. You'll either need to move more quickly or be faced with more moving objects. Finally, intense games will probably be the ones that do you in. These stick you on the side of a mountain or floating around haphazardly in space; they're more visceral of experiences, but ones that are more likely to provoke anxiety and induce nausea, too.
As this is a new medium, pricing for said games is all over the place. Some games are appropriately priced in the $4.99-$9.99 space, while others come in at $40 or $50 (about £35.37, AU$66.57) for what are essentially extended demos. As of right now there's also no way to try any of the games before you buy them, which means you'll need to make a leap of faith when purchasing.
Speaking of payment, Oculus will prompt you to enter your credit card information as soon as you have your system setup, but will allow you to skip past it if you're not quite ready to hand over your digits sight unseen.
Switching between one game/movie/app and the next is a relatively painless process. Simply press the jewel button on the center of the Xbox controller, select "exit" and you'll be returned to the home screen – in this case, a swanky living room replete with a fireplace, a couch and high-res pillows that throws a standard Xbox-looking interface in the middle of the room. (I'm pointing out the ridiculous nature of having a domestic-looking home screen here, obviously, but the interface that you use to peruse the storefront is actually very well designed.)
While you're able to buy games without ever leaving the confines of the luxurious home screen, some titles require you to take off the headset to complete the installation. And, yes, in practice it's just as annoying as it sounds.
Out of all the questions I've been asked over the past two weeks as I tested out the Rift, the most frequent ones are, "What is it like to spend a few hours in virtual reality?" and "Will it make me sick?"
Well, for starters, I should probably point out that even though games, movies and images are in high-resolution, you'd never struggle to tell the difference between what you're seeing on the Oculus Rift and what you're used to seeing in the real world.
That's not to say it breaks the immersion when you're in a VR world or even that it's overly grainy or pixelated – it's not. But objects in games aren't always completely clear when you really look at them. Now, that's a different story for local media played inside the headset via a virtual TV set up in a faux-living room, but in reality, I'm not sure putting a 1080p image on a $600 headset is a feature worth writing home about.
At this stage, at least, it's easy to tell the virtual world from the real one. For some people, that might make the Rift come off as more of a novelty, like Nintendo's Wii, rather than the ground-breaking innovation that all those critics I mentioned at the beginning see it as.
As for the question about feeling sick while using virtual reality?
The short and sweet answer is yes, it probably will make you sick. Some of you, even the most hardcore of hardcore who play games for seven or eight hours a day, might feel like the world has been pulled out under your feet when you step into virtual reality.
Motion sickness and building a tolerance to VR
According to Oculus, if you want to stay in virtual reality for more than a few minutes, you're going to need to build a tolerance.
The first time I tried VR, I felt very sick. Only by subjecting myself to the feelings of disassociation, anxiety and paralyzing overwhelmingness that can be experienced when you put on a virtual reality headset over multiple occasions could I finally overcome this feeling and start to actually enjoy VR.
Your body isn't used to feeling disconnected to the visual stimuli it's receiving. Even if you game for hours and hours per day, you still are sitting in the real world, periodically removing your gaze from the television to look at your cellphone or interact with another human being. In virtual reality, the only things you see are the screen and the objects on it, yet you can't physically interact with them. This leads to the feeling of disconnection and resulting nausea.
However, once you get your space legs, there are still two big problems you have to face.
The first is that no matter what position you are in, as long as your arms and hands aren't represented in-game, you're forever going to feel a pang of disassociation whenever you look down at your body.
The second problem is that, while I enjoyed every second I spent in virtual reality, the transition of coming back to the real world was one that I found especially difficult. Without dramatizing the emotions, I felt as though I wasn't all there when I took off the helmet. The closest feeling I can pick out is the one where you look at yourself in the mirror and don't really understand the person looking back at you.
You're still you, but it doesn't feel like you at first.
As disconcerting as they may sound, these side-effects don't actually concern me based on previous experience, and I'll keep to my habits of extended use after I'm done writing this review. I've played video games on CRT TVs long enough to know that, while strange, these secondary effects do fade in time without leaving behind permanent damage.
The future of the Oculus Rift and VR in general
Even though you've spent the last few minutes reading the 4,000 words or so I've written detailing how games work, what virtual reality is like and what you can expect from the Oculus Rift when the company finally ships yours – seriously people, if you're still waiting, cancel your order and go to the store to buy one – there's still more to talk about.
Oculus has amazing plans for the Rift. It could very well be the next evolution of Facebook. We might one day hold meetings in virtual reality. I mean, it has a microphone built-in, so there's absolutely nothing stopping Oculus from enabling such a feature next week. (Actually, Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg showed off this exact functionality at October's Oculus Connect developer conference. Check it out!)
You might one day use it as a therapeutic tool, letting the hardware transport you to a beach where you can meditate. There are plans to use it as a gateway to music festivals, like South by Southwest and Coachella, as well as live concerts and sports games.
There are even porn companies that are shooting 360-degree videos that you can watch on devices like the Oculus Rift. (If you're into that kind of stuff, we have a great article about it written by my colleagues, Michelle Fitzsimmons and James Peckham.)
I guess what I'm trying to say is that there's a lot of potential here, and once we learn how to tap into it better by becoming native VR users, it's only going to get better.
I'm still not convinced the Oculus RIft is the all-encompassing "future of entertainment" that others have labeled it as, but I'm optimistic that it might earn that title in the coming weeks, months and years.
I've tried to avoid the direct comparison as long as I could, but at this point in the review, I just need to come out and say it: Oculus is a smart, if at times somewhat gimmicky, introduction to virtual reality ... but it's not the best headset on the market.
Even though it pioneered the space, invested millions in developers and development and has a partnership with one of the foremost companies in the world, Oculus can't hold a candle to the HTC Vive, a system that not only has touch controllers in the box, but sensors capable of room-scale VR that allow you walk around to naturally explore your virtual space.
But, if you're deadset on Oculus, the Rift has similar technology if you're willing to pay a bit extra. The second Oculus Sensor will give you the ability to get up off of your chair and use your legs as well as your arms and developers will use the new technology to create a slew of more interesting and immersive titles.
That said, even though it's not the absolute best headset on the market, the story of Oculus is and always will be an awe-inspiring one. Oculus has stuck to its vision, even when those early prototypes were questionable and the demos nearly too laggy to bear. In myriad ways, it was wrought from pure imagination, created an entirely new industry from scratch and built out a platform that could one day fulfill the promises sci-fi films and novels made us when they showed us the Holodeck in its various forms for the first time.
The consumer-ready Rift is a lovely piece of hardware. But it's more than just a pretty headset: Oculus has built a whole ecosystem for its baby, from the sound of the built-in headphones to the games to the proprietary Touch Controllers.
As soon as you put on the Rift, you are transported to a whole new world. Touch Controllers, though limited in some ways, will bring the rest of your body along for the ride.
The problem, of course, is everything that's not the Rift, its promises or its current set of games. The price of the whole package is going to be prohibitive for what you're getting, and it will likely keep many from jumping to Rift right away.
When Touch controllers come included in the box and Rift, one day, drops a few dollars, it may transform how we play games, do work and interact with one another. Oculus has taken the Rift this far, this fast, so I don't think it's going to be much longer before that comes true, too.
We liked
The Oculus Rift is an immersive window into dozens of new worlds, and one day it will play host to hundreds, maybe thousands, of such experiences. The games that are there now are absolutely great. Some might induce a bit of nausea for first-time VR adventurers – I'm looking in your direction, ADR1FT – but some will offer an untold amount of happiness.
Seen simply as a game console, the Rift has a lot to offer. Gameplay is fun in short bursts, and the headset is comfortable to wear, even if it hugs you a little too tight sometimes. What Oculus completely understands, however, is that the Rift is more than just a gaming headset. There's already ways to watch 360-degree movies through Facebook, Vimeo and Twitch, and it's not hard to imagine a future where the Oculus Store is brimming with media content.
We disliked
Similar to that used car you've had your eye on, everything on the Oculus Rift comes with a caveat. It's immersive virtual reality … but you need to buy a costly gaming rig in order to enjoy it. It comes with a pack-in Xbox One controller, but that's only because the real gamepads – the Oculus Touch Controllers that allow you to actually use your hands in VR – are optional and expensive accessories.
Not to beat the proverbial horse here, but only a small handful of gamers will get to own the Oculus Rift – not because others don't want to, but because $600 / £499 / AU$649 is just out of their price range. Remember, that's after you buy a gaming rig that costs at least $500 to run the Rift.
Finally, while it's not necessarily a negative, the onus now is on developers to leverage the technology and push VR forward.
Oculus has created a realm of new possibilities, but what scares me is that all this technology may fall victim to novelty that will wear off in six months should developers decide that designing AAA titles in virtual reality isn't worth their time, effort and money. Without more interesting, eye-catching content, the Oculus Rift is fated for a one-way trip to the cabinet, where it will take up permanent residence next to the Wii and PlayStation Vita.
Final verdict
If it didn't have any competition, the Oculus Rift would be an easy recommendation. Virtual reality is a magical experience, and something that I think everyone who loves technology needs to try at some point.
I see huge potential for Oculus down the road – just imagine how cool it will be to see places like the Louvre or the Pyramids at Giza in real time in first-person. As it stands, though, virtual reality is a nascent medium and therefore suffers from many of the same problems others faced when they were starting out.
The first films weren't Gladiator or The Shawshank Redemption. Art didn't begin with DaVinci or Tiziano. The first songs ever crafted weren't Johann Sebastian Bach sonatas. Similarly, I think Lucky's Tale isn't the end-all, be-all of virtual reality.
One day Oculus (or one of its competitors) will be a must-own piece of technology – it could very easily be the next personal computer. But as it stands right now, it feels more like a novelty than a tried-and-true necessity. The games are immersive, but not likely to hold you for hours on end. The entertainment is quirky and fun, but also ephemeral.
If you can live with that, the Oculus Rift will make for a fun experiment, one that will only improve over time. But, if you have reservations about committing the monetary resources for the headset and (what I'd consider) the requisite $199 (£189 or around AU$265) Touch Controllers, it's probably best to hold off on virtual reality for just a few more months until the novelty wears off.
Read more --> Cobalt Oblique Dress Stylist Notes A rich navy tone keeps the peek-a-boo flashes of skin on this BCBGMAXAZRIA from feeling too sexy. Complete the look with Ben Amun Chain Reaction Necklace and modern, thick strapped heels. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0 - 12. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Knee length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Apple, Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0 - 12. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Knee length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Apple, Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Product Details Color-blocked crepe (63% Polyester, 32% Rayon, 5% Spandex). Sleeveless. Crew neckline with cutout at yoke. Fitted skirt with back slit. Exposed back zipper. Lined. 39" from shoulder to hem. Imported. Share Pin It Dark Refined Flutter Dress Stylist Notes This classic sheath by Opening Ceremony gets flirty with a ruffled hem. Accent the look with delicate jewelry like Campbell's Tall Grass Ring and finish off with strappy heels.Also available in white. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: XS - L. BUST:Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Very Fitted - stretchy fabric allows comfortable room for full hips LENGTH: Tea length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric is very stretchy GREAT FOR: Athletic, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: XS - L. BUST:Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Very Fitted - stretchy fabric allows comfortable room for full hips LENGTH: Tea length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric is very stretchy GREAT FOR: Athletic, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Product Details Black textured jersey (90% Nylon, 10% Polyurethane). Sleeveless. Crew neckline. Fitted skirt with flutter hem. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. 52" from shoulder to hem. Imported. Share Pin It Nicole Gown Stylist Notes Slimming and graceful, this Carven gown is designed for special occasions. Elevate the chic look with delicate earrings and simple, barely-there heels. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size down for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 34 - 42, French sizing. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted at natural waist HIPS: Not Fitted - comfortable room for hips LENGTH: Two lengths available. Regular measures 58'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6''), Long measures 61'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'7''-5'11''). UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a nubra or no bra. FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size down for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 34 - 42, French sizing. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted at natural waist HIPS: Not Fitted - comfortable room for hips LENGTH: Two lengths available. Regular measures 58'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6''), Long measures 61'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'7''-5'11''). UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a nubra or no bra. FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Blue crepe (100% viscose). Sleeveless. V-neckline. Column skirt with side slit. Front ruching. Hidden side zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Fully lined. See size and fit tab for length. Imported. Share Pin It Crystal Moon Dress Stylist Notes With a jacquard texture and an asymmetrical hemline, this Sachin & Babi dress is both charming and modern. Accent the dress's sheen with silver jewelry and finish with classic black pumps. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0 - 12. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted at natural waist HIPS: Not Fitted - fuller skirt allows comfortable room for full hips LENGTH: Tea length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a nubra or no bra. FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0 - 12. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted at natural waist HIPS: Not Fitted - fuller skirt allows comfortable room for full hips LENGTH: Tea length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a nubra or no bra. FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Blue jacquard (90% Polyester, 10% Nylon). Sleeveless. Crew neckline. Full skirt. Asymmetrical hemline with side pockets. Exposed back zipper. Partially lined. 38" from shoulder to shortest hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Olive Green Chignon Gown Stylist Notes With a sophisticated twist neckline, this olive green Nina Ricci gown is chic. We love the look with a swept-up hairstyle. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 34-44, French sizing. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes- open back provides minimal support in bust area WAIST: Not Fitted - comfortable room throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: One length available. Measures 58'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6''. UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a nubra or no bra. FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Apple, Full Bust, Hourglass, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 34-44, French sizing. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes- open back provides minimal support in bust area WAIST: Not Fitted - comfortable room throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: One length available. Measures 58'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6''. UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a nubra or no bra. FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Apple, Full Bust, Hourglass, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Green crepe (100% Polyester). Sleeveless. High neckline with back halter tie. Fully lined. See fit and size tab for length. Made in France. Share Pin It White Wisp Gown Stylist Notes Mix things up with this asymmetrically-hemmed Cushnie Et Ochs gown. Pair the white look with gold jewelry. Size & Fit This dress runs small. We recommend sizing down (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-8. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Tea length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a nubra or no bra. FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs small. We recommend sizing down (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-8. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Tea length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a nubra or no bra. FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details White synthetic crepe(94% viscose 6% spandex). Sleeveless. Jewel Neckline. High Low sheath dress with asymmetrical hem. Invisible back zipper. Made in the USA Share Pin It Red Slip Tier Dress Stylist Notes With a chic silhouette, this red Prabal Gurung dress looks both elegant and sultry. Wear it with strappy sandals and a golden cuff.
Also available in print. Size & Fit Sized: 0-8, one length available. Regular measures 48'' from shoulder to hem. Size & Fit Notes Sized: 0-8, one length available. Regular measures 48'' from shoulder to hem. Size Chart Product Details Red silk crepe (100% Silk). Short sleeves. Off the shoulder. Shift bodice with side slit. Hidden back zipper with hook-and- eye closure. Fully lined. Boned bodice. 48" from shoulder to hemline. Made in USA. Share Pin It Magenta Midriff Lace Cocktail Dress Stylist Notes Subtly show your midriff in this magenta lace Marchesa Notte dress. We love the look with strappy sandals and the Moonstone Dotted Cuff by Lele Sadoughi. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-16. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh to knee length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-16. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh to knee length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Product Details Pink lace (49% Rayon, 38% Nylon, 13% Polyester). Short sleeves. Crew neckline. Sheath. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Partially lined. Sheer waist. 43" from shoulder to longest part of hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Black and White Lotus Dress Stylist Notes A high neckline adds polish to this body-skimming dress by Cushnie Et Ochs. We love the look with sandals. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-12 BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Very Fitted - stretchy fabric allows comfortable fit throughout midsection HIPS: Very Fitted - stretchy fabric allows comfortable room for full hips LENGTH: Knee length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric is very stretchy GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-12 BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Very Fitted - stretchy fabric allows comfortable fit throughout midsection HIPS: Very Fitted - stretchy fabric allows comfortable room for full hips LENGTH: Knee length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric is very stretchy GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Product Details Printed black and white floral embroidery on mesh (45% Nylon, 40% Wool, 10% Elastane, 5% Polyester). Sleeveless. High neckline. Sheath bodice. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Fully lined. 47" from shoulder to hemline. Made in USA. Share Pin It Navy Sleek Shimmer Cocktail Dress Stylist Notes Highlight your form in this sequined deep blue Naeem Khan dress. Wear it with an updo. Size & Fit Sized: 2-10 Size & Fit Notes Sized: 2-10 Size Chart Product Details Blue chiffon with beads (100% Silk). Sleeveless. V-neckline. Sheath bodice. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Lined. 34" from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Lattice Lace Dress Stylist Notes Lace sleeves make this Jason Wu LBD fun. Try it with black strappy sandals. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-12. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-12. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Product Details Black ponte (68% Rayon, 28% Nylon, 4% Polyurethane). Short sleeves. V-neckline. Sheath. Exposed back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Fully lined. 36" from shoulder to hemline. Made in USA. Share Pin It Orange Zest Dress Stylist Notes This sleeveless Prabal Gurung look, straight from the runway, is super chic. Try wearing it with nude sandals.
Also available in red. Size & Fit Sized: 0-6, one length available. Regular measures 48'' from shoulder to hem. Size & Fit Notes Sized: 0-6, one length available. Regular measures 48'' from shoulder to hem. Size Chart Product Details Printed white jacquard (76% Polyester, 18% Silk, 6% Nylon). Short sleeves. Off the shoulder. Shift with side slit. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Fully lined. Boned bodice. 48" from shoulder to hemline. Made in USA. Share Pin It Black Venice Dress Stylist Notes Cut-outs and color-contrast make this Nicole Miller sheath eye-catching. Pair the look with black pumps. Size & Fit Sized: 0-12 Size & Fit Notes Sized: 0-12 Size Chart Product Details Black and blue lace (76% Cotton, 24% Nylon). Sleeveless. Crew neckline. Fitted skirt. Back and side cutout details. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Fully lined. 42" form shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Diane Dress Stylist Notes A subtle sheer midriff delicately separates the intricate black lace sections of this Marchesa Notte sheath. Pair the elegant look with a simple strappy sandal for your next event. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0 - 12. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Not Fitted - fuller skirt allows comfortable room for full hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with a standard bra. We recommend fashion tape. FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Pear, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0 - 12. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Not Fitted - fuller skirt allows comfortable room for full hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with a standard bra. We recommend fashion tape. FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Pear, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Product Details Black lace (60% Nylon, 40% Polyester). Short sleeves. Boat neckline. Sheer Bodice. A-line skirt with sheer midriff detail. Lace and beading details. Partially lined. 35" from shoulder to hem. Imported. Share Pin It Metallic Jacquard Dress Stylist Notes Dark neutral tones elevate this patterned Tory Burch dress. Pair the graphic dress with a monochromatic pair of heels. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-12. BUST: Great for any cup size - built in boning for support WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted at natural waist HIPS: Not Fitted - comfortable room for hips LENGTH: Tea length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Apple, Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-12. BUST: Great for any cup size - built in boning for support WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted at natural waist HIPS: Not Fitted - comfortable room for hips LENGTH: Tea length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Apple, Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Product Details Printed jacquard (96% Polyester, 4% Spandex). Strapless. Straight neckline. A-line skirt with front pleat. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Fully lined. Boned bodice. 37" from bust to hemline. Share Pin It Royal Blue Structured Off The Shoulder Dress Stylist Notes Show your shoulders in this ruched Nicole Miller dress. Try it with subtle sandals. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size down for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-12. BUST: Great for any cup size - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Very Fitted - stretchy fabric allows comfortable room for full hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh to knee length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size down for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-12. BUST: Great for any cup size - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Very Fitted - stretchy fabric allows comfortable room for full hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh to knee length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Product Details Blue crepe (64% Viscose 28% Nylon 8% Elastane). Cap sleeves. Off the shoulder neckline. Sheath bodice. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Fully lined. 40" from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Clarette Gown Stylist Notes A mesh accent adds flair to this asymmetrically-hemmed Sachin & Babi gown. Pair the graphic print with subdued pumps. Size & Fit Sized: 2-12, two lengths available. Regular measures 58'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6''), Long measures 61'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'7''-5'11''). Size & Fit Notes Sized: 2-12, two lengths available. Regular measures 58'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6''), Long measures 61'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'7''-5'11''). Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Blue and gold jacquard (66% Acetate, 22% Polyester, 10% Virgin Wool, 2% Acrylic). Sleeveless. Crew neckline. Asymmetrical full skirt with mesh cut out detail. Exposed back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Fully lined. 51" from shoulder to the shortest hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Black Zandra Slash Dress Stylist Notes Bare your back in this slashed Osman look. The modern LBD looks great with pointy-toe heels. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 6-14, British sizing. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Not Fitted - comfortable room throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Tea length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a nubra or no bra. FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 6-14, British sizing. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Not Fitted - comfortable room throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Tea length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a nubra or no bra. FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Black crepe (64% Viscose, 33% Acetate, 3% Elastane). Sleeveless. Boat neckline. Hidden side zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Partially lined. 35" from shoulder to shortest part of hemline. 53" from shoulder to longest part of hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Blue Sheen Shift Stylist Notes A chic neckline gives this color-contrasting Jason Wu dress an elegant feel. Try this polished look with strappy sandals. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: XS-L. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh to knee length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Apple, Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: XS-L. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh to knee length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Apple, Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Product Details Black ponte (68% Rayon, 28% Nylon, 4% Polyurethane). Sleeveless. Boat neckline. Sheath bodice. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Fully lined. 37" from shoulder to hemline. Made in USA. Share Pin It Black Contrast Collar Ponte Dress Stylist Notes Go for a classic look in this white-collared Jason Wu LBD. We love this body-skimming silhouette with black stilettos. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-12. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-12. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Product Details Black ponte (68% Rayon, 28% Nylon, 4% Polyurethane). Short sleeves. Shirt collar. Sheath bodice. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Fully lined. 36" from shoulder to hemline. Made in USA. Share Pin It Cherry Red Lace Halter Dress Stylist Notes A flattering halter neckline makes this Cynthia Rowley lace dress elegant. Dress up the look with simple strappy sandals. Size & Fit Sized: 0-12, one length available. Regular measures 49'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6''). Size & Fit Notes Sized: 0-12, one length available. Regular measures 49'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6''). Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Red lace (100% Polyester). Sleeveless. Halter neckline. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Fully lined. 49" from shoulder to hem. Imported. Share Pin It Feather Layered Dress Stylist Notes Look chic in this feathered Tibi sheath. Pair the cool silhouette with pointy-toe heels. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size down for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-12. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Not Fitted - comfortable room throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Knee length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Apple, Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size down for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-12. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Not Fitted - comfortable room throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Knee length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Apple, Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Product Details Black crepe (100% Polyester). Sleeveless. Crew neckline with illusion yoke. Fitted skirt. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Fully lined. 41" from shoulder to hem. Imported. Share Pin It Orchid Cutout Sheath Dress Stylist Notes An eye-catching back gives this bright Cushnie Et Ochs dress allure. We love the look with strappy sandals. Size & Fit Sized: 0-10 Size & Fit Notes Sized: 0-10 Size Chart Product Details Purple crepe (85% Viscose, 9% Nylon, 6% Elastane). Sleeveless. Crew neckline. Sheath bodice. Exposed top back zipper. Concealed bottom zipper. Fully lined. 47" from shoulder to hemline. Made in USA. Share Pin It Soori Sheath Stylist Notes Highlight your shoulders in Jay Godfrey's crisp, tailored sheath. Try pairing the eye-catching look with a classic heel. Size & Fit Sized: 0-12 Size & Fit Notes Sized: 0-12 Size Chart Product Details Red jacquard (100% Polyester). Sleeveless. Halter neckline. Fitted skirt. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Fully lined. 45" from top of neckline to hem. Imported. Share Pin It Yellow Midi Dress Stylist Notes This feminine yellow strapless dress by Tibi feels modern with an asymmetrical treatment. Try the sharp and bold look with Eddie Borgo's Inlaid Small Cube Bracelet and simple heels. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0 - 8. BUST: Great for any cup size - built in boning for support WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted at natural waist HIPS: Fitted lining - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Tea length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra or no bra FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0 - 8. BUST: Great for any cup size - built in boning for support WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted at natural waist HIPS: Fitted lining - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Tea length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra or no bra FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Yellow jacquard (48% Cotton, 45% Polyamide, 7% Elastane). Strapless. Straight neckline. Full skirt with side pockets. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Fully lined. Boned bodice. 40" from shoulder to hem. Imported. Share Pin It Color Block Twist Sheath Stylist Notes A chic twisted tie gives this Cynthia Rowley sheath a fun feel. This color blocked look is perfect for a cocktail party and pairs well with pointy-toe heels. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-12 BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Very Fitted - dress very fitted at natural waist HIPS: Very Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Knee length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-12 BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Very Fitted - dress very fitted at natural waist HIPS: Very Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Knee length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Product Details Pink faille (50% Wool, 28% Cotton, 22% Silk). Strapless. Straight neckline. Sheath bodice. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Fully lined. Boned bodice. 36" from bust to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Witherspoon Sheath Stylist Notes Jay Godfrey's chic sheath features a sultry skin-baring slit. Pair this LBD with pointed toe heels and delicate jewelry.
Also available in red. Size & Fit Sized: 0-12 Size & Fit Notes Sized: 0-12 Size Chart Product Details Black crepe (98% Polyester, 2% Spandex). Sleeveless. Scoop Neckline. Fitted skirt with front slit. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Fully lined. 37" from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Red Shimmering Jazz Dress Stylist Notes Red sequins highlight the chic shape of this Naeem Khan dress. Wear the sultry look with dangling earrings. Size & Fit Sized: 2-10 Size & Fit Notes Sized: 2-10 Size Chart Product Details Red chiffon with beads (100% Silk). Sleeveless. One shoulder neckline. Sheath bodice. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Lined. 37" from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Ivory Lace Cocktail Sheath Stylist Notes Delicate details, like a scalloped-lace neckline and a ribbon-accented waistline, make this cocktail dress by Marchesa Notte chic. We love the look with the Salem Ring by Kenneth Jay Lane. Size & Fit This dress runs small. We recommend going one size down for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-16 BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Knee length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs small. We recommend going one size down for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-16 BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Knee length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Product Details White lace (62% Nylon, 27% Rayon, 11% Polyester). Short sleeves. Crew neckline. Sheath. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Partially lined. 39" from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Clarine Combo Dress Stylist Notes Lace accents make this Jason Wu dress flattering and unique. Pair the flounced silhouette with rounded-toe pumps. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0 - 12. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted at natural waist HIPS: Not Fitted - comfortable room for hips LENGTH: Knee length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Pear, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0 - 12. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted at natural waist HIPS: Not Fitted - comfortable room for hips LENGTH: Knee length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Pear, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Product Details Black jersey (68% Rayon, 28% Nylon, 4% Polyurethane). Sleeveless. Crew neckline. Full skirt with lace inset detail. Fully lined. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. 43" from shoulder to hemline. Made in USA. Share Pin It Mod Splotch Dress Stylist Notes Be confident and colorful in this Nina Ricci shift. Show off the look's necktie with a ponytail. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 34-44, French sizing. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Not Fitted - comfortable room throughout midsection HIPS: Not Fitted - comfortable room for hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh to knee length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Apple, Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 34-44, French sizing. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Not Fitted - comfortable room throughout midsection HIPS: Not Fitted - comfortable room for hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh to knee length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Apple, Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Product Details Printed black crepe (100% Viscose). Cap sleeves. High neckline. Shift bodice. Fully lined. Hidden side pockets. 35" from shoulder to hemline. Made in France. Share Pin It Cobalt Racing Gown Stylist Notes Go sleek and sporty in Badgley Mischka's racerback gown. Complement the sharp design with Eddie Borgo's Pave Zenith Cuff.
Also available in red, white, and black. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0 - 16. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Two lengths available. Regular measures 58'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6''), Long measures 61'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'7''-5'11''). UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".)
We recommend Commando's Nude High-Waist Control Thong. Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0 - 16. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Two lengths available. Regular measures 58'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6''), Long measures 61'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'7''-5'11''). UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".)
We recommend Commando's Nude High-Waist Control Thong. Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Blue crepe (98% polyester, 2% spandex, 100% polyester lining). Sleeveless. Halter neckline. Full Skirt. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Fully lined. See size and fit tab for length. Imported. Share Pin It Kristen Dress Stylist Notes Cutouts give this sleek sheath by Nicole Miller cool, trendy appeal. Make the look cocktail-ready with a sleek bun and feminine heels.
Also available in pink. Size & Fit This dress runs small. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0 - 12. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted at natural waist HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Mini to Mid-thigh - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a nubra or no bra. FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs small. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0 - 12. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted at natural waist HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Mini to Mid-thigh - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a nubra or no bra. FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Product Details Black crepe (96% Rayon 4% Spandex). Sleeveless. V-neckline. Fitted skirt. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. 38" from shoulder to hem. Imported. Share Pin It Sunflower Thompson Dress Stylist Notes A slit makes this sunny Jay Godfrey sheath alluring. Style it with gold accessories. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-12. BUST: Great for any cup size - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Tea length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-12. BUST: Great for any cup size - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Tea length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Product Details Yellow crepe (98% Polyester, 2% Spandex). Strapless. Fitted skirt with front slit. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Fully lined. Boned bodice. 38" from bust to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Black Midi Mast Dress Stylist Notes Light layers of fabric give this Temperley London dress an ethereal feel. Wear it with strappy heels. Size & Fit Sized: 4-10 Size & Fit Notes Sized: 4-10 Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Black tulle (100% Nylon). Short sleeves. V-neckline. Full skirt. Hidden side zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Fully lined. 54" from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Mena Dress Stylist Notes Regal red embroidery elevates this charmingMarchesa Notte cocktail dress. Pair the simple heel, or for a pop, try a red shoe.
Also available in blue. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0 - 16. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted at natural waist HIPS: Not Fitted - comfortable room for hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh to knee length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0 - 16. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted at natural waist HIPS: Not Fitted - comfortable room for hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh to knee length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Product Details Red synthetic tulle (100% Nylon). Cap sleeves. Boat neckline. Sewn on red rosette details. Hourglass bodice. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Key-hole back with hook-and-eye closure. Partially lined. 36" from shoulder to hem. Imported. Share Pin It Precision Gown Stylist Notes An asymmetrical hemline modernizes this classic gown by Marchesa Notte. Accent the decorated neckline with sparkly jewelry, then complete with metallic heels.
Also available in red. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0 - 14. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted at natural waist HIPS: Not Fitted - fuller skirt allows comfortable room for full hips LENGTH: Two lengths available. Regular measures 58'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6''), Long measures 61'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'7''-5'11''). UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Pear, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0 - 14. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted at natural waist HIPS: Not Fitted - fuller skirt allows comfortable room for full hips LENGTH: Two lengths available. Regular measures 58'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6''), Long measures 61'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'7''-5'11''). UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Pear, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Black faille (63% Cotton, 27% Silk, 5% Nylon, 5% Polyester). Sleeveless. Illusion crew neckline. Full hi-lo skirt. Key hole back with hook-and-eye closure and hidden back zipper. Partially Lined. See size and fit tabs for lengths. Imported. Share Pin It Ani Dress Stylist Notes An elegant, feminized take on the tux, this drop-waist Cushnie Et Ochs dress is as delicate as it is bold. Enhance the minimalism with a thin-strapped sandal. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0 - 10. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted at natural waist HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Knee length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0 - 10. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted at natural waist HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Knee length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Product Details Black crepe (97% viscose, 3% elastane). Sleeveless. V-neckline. Fitted skirt with front slit and peplum detail. Front button detail. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Fully lined. 40" from shoulder to hem. Made in USA. Share Pin It Purdy Jumpsuit Stylist Notes Tap into your 1970s persona at cocktails with this bold jumpsuit by Diane von Furstenberg. Go for an overall sleek look with minimal jewelry and barely-there heels. Size & Fit This jumpsuit runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0 - 12. BUST: Better for larger busts - ample room at bust WAIST: Fitted - cinched at waist with waist tie closure HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Two lengths available. Regular measures 58'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6''), Long measures 61'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'7''-5'11''). UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".)
We recommend fashion tape and Hollywood Fashion Tape's Temporary Hem Tape Strips. Size & Fit Notes This jumpsuit runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0 - 12. BUST: Better for larger busts - ample room at bust WAIST: Fitted - cinched at waist with waist tie closure HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Two lengths available. Regular measures 58'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6''), Long measures 61'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'7''-5'11''). UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".)
We recommend fashion tape and Hollywood Fashion Tape's Temporary Hem Tape Strips. Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Purple crepe (80% Triacetate, 20% Polyester). Cap sleeves. V-neckline. Jumpsuit with waist tie. Hidden side zipper with hook-and-eye closures. See size and fit tab for length. Imported. Share Pin It Golden Shadow Sheath Stylist Notes The gold lace overlay richens this mini sheath by Diane von Furstenberg. Accent the sheen with Lulu Frost's Radiant Earrings and black heels for a luxe cocktail look.
Also available in red, navy, teal, white, and purple. Size & Fit This dress runs small. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0 - 14. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Pear, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs small. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0 - 14. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Pear, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Product Details Gold lace (51% metallic 49% nylon). ¾ sleeves. Boat neckline. Fitted skirt. Visible silver back zipper. Partially lined. 34" from shoulder to hem. Imported. Share Pin It Fruitful Sheath Stylist Notes An electric blue shade enlivens this classic lace cocktail sheath by Diane Von Furstenburg. Add modern flair with Kenneth Jay Lane's Tessera Ring and a messy-chic updo. Then complete with classic stilettos.
Also available in red, navy, gold, white, and teal. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0 - 14. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - stretchy fabric allows comfortable fit throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - stretchy fabric allows comfortable room for full hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10") Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0 - 14. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - stretchy fabric allows comfortable fit throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - stretchy fabric allows comfortable room for full hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10") Size Chart Product Details Purple lace (70% Rayon and 30% Nylon). Three-quarter length sleeves. Boat neckline. Fitted skirt. Visible back zipper. Partially lined. 35" from shoulder to hem. Imported. Share Pin It Nordic Flower Mini Dress Stylist Notes Mesh panels add an unexpected twist to this printed Nicole Miller dress. We love the bold look with simple sandals. Size & Fit Sized: 0-12 Size & Fit Notes Sized: 0-12 Size Chart Product Details Printed black heavy needle knit (100% Polyester). Crew neckline. Long sleeves. Sheath. 38" from shoulder to hem. Back zipper. Lined. Imported. Share Pin It Floral Brittany Dress Stylist Notes With florals and a flared skirt, this Giamba is effortlessly fun. We love the look with pumps. Size & Fit Sized: 38-46, Italian sizing Size & Fit Notes Sized: 38-46, Italian sizing Size Chart Product Details Black floral print crepe (100% Rayon/Viscose). Short sleeves. Crew neckline. Full skirt. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Fully lined. 33'' from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Black Exposed Shoulder Bell Sleeve Dress Stylist Notes Show a hint of shoulder in this sleek shift by Derek Lam. We love the look with boots. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 36-46, Italian sizing BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Not Fitted - comfortable room throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh to knee length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Apple, Athletic, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 36-46, Italian sizing BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Not Fitted - comfortable room throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh to knee length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Apple, Athletic, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Product Details Black cotton (100% Cotton). Long sleeves. V-neckline. Shift dress with exposed shoulder. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Fully lined. 37" from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Winter Floral Dress Stylist Notes With a deep V neckline and flared skirt, this charming floral Cynthia Rowley flatters your natural waist. Accent the dress's palette with black heels. Size & Fit Sized: 0-12 Size & Fit Notes Sized: 0-12 Size Chart Product Details Black floral faille (100% Polyester). Sleeveless. V-neckline. Full skirt with side pockets. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. V-back. Fully lined. 48" from shoulder to hem. Imported. Share Pin It Black Eloisa Jumpsuit Stylist Notes A racerback adds a chic feel to this Misha Collection jumpsuit. We love it with dangling earrings. Size & Fit Sized: XS-L, one length available. Regular measures 58'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6''). Size & Fit Notes Sized: XS-L, one length available. Regular measures 58'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6''). Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Black crepe (100% Viscose). Sleeveless. Crew neckline. Jumpsuit. Hidden side zipper with hook and eye closure. See size and fit tab for details. Imported. Share Pin It Kendra Jumpsuit Stylist Notes Go for head-to-toe lace in this Diane von Furstenberg jumpsuit. Try it with a statement bracelet and finish with black stilettos. Size & Fit This jumpsuit runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0 - 12. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - fitted at natural waist HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: One length available. Measures 58'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6''). UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a nubra or no bra. FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This jumpsuit runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0 - 12. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - fitted at natural waist HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: One length available. Measures 58'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6''). UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a nubra or no bra. FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Black lace (75% Rayon, 25% Nylon). Short sleeves. Crew neckline. Wide leg. Open back. Button closure at neck. Fully lined. See size and fit tab for length. Imported. Share Pin It White Natasha Dress Stylist Notes An asymmetrical hemline and plunging neckline add drama to this white Misha Collection dress. We love the look with strappy sandals. Size & Fit Sized: XS-L Size & Fit Notes Sized: XS-L Size Chart Product Details White crepe (100% Nylon Mesh). Sleeveless. V-neckline. Sheath. Exposed back zipper. Fully lined. 31.5' from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Amara Print Off The Shoulder Dress Stylist Notes Show some shoulder in this Tibi floral dress. Elevate the look with strappy platform sandals. Size & Fit Sized: 0-6 Size & Fit Notes Sized: 0-6 Size Chart Product Details Printed silk crepe (100% Silk). Three-quarter length sleeves. Off the shoulder. Shift bodice. Hidden back zipper. Fully lined. 40" from neckline to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Aliya Dress Stylist Notes Charming cut-outs add flair to this long-sleeved Temperley London sheath. Try the look with pointed-toe pumps. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 2-12 BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh to knee length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS:May be worn with any standard or strapless bra. We recommend nude undergarments. FABRIC:Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 2-12 BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh to knee length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS:May be worn with any standard or strapless bra. We recommend nude undergarments. FABRIC:Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Product Details White crepe (88% Polyester, 12% Elasane). Long sleeves. Crew neckline. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Fully lined. 37" from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It White William Penn Dress Stylist Notes This white dress by Opening Ceremony has a feminine silhouette. Wear it with strappy sandals. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-8. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Not Fitted - fuller skirt allows comfortable room for full hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh to knee length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Apple, Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-8. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Not Fitted - fuller skirt allows comfortable room for full hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh to knee length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Apple, Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Product Details White heavy needle knit (65% Nylon, 33% Cotton, 2% Elastane ). Sleeveless. V-neckline. Full skirt. Hidden size zipper. 35" from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Vera Dress Stylist Notes Power-clash in this mixed-print Saloni dress. We love the look with suede booties. Size & Fit Sized: 0-12 Size & Fit Notes Sized: 0-12 Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Floral print chiffon (100% Silk, 100% Polyester). Long Sleeves. Crew neckline. Hourglass. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Fully lined. 50' from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Prairie Floral Fitted Dress Stylist Notes A delicate floral pattern adds romance to this long-sleeved Cynthia Rowley dress. Wear it with sandals. Size & Fit This dress runs small, especially in the arms, shoulder, and bust. We recommend sizing up (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-12. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Very Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Very Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Knee length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Hourglass, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs small, especially in the arms, shoulder, and bust. We recommend sizing up (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-12. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Very Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Very Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Knee length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Hourglass, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Product Details Black floral printed crepe (100% Polyester). Long sleeve. Crew neckline. Fitted skirt. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Fully lined. 42" from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Manhattan Dot Dress Stylist Notes Textured sheer details make this Lela Rose cocktail dress charming. Pair the modern LBD with pointy-toe heels. Size & Fit Sized: 0-10 Size & Fit Notes Sized: 0-10 Size Chart Product Details Black crepe (79% Viscose, 19% Virgin Wool, 2% Elastane). Long sleeves. Crew neckline. Full skirt with tulle underlay. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Partially lined. 36" from shoulder to hemline. Made in the USA. Share Pin It Keno Knit Layered Dress Stylist Notes The chic pleating of this Tibi dress is chic. We love this look with strappy sandals and the Petra Necklace by Lulu Frost. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 2-12 BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Not Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric is very stretchy GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 2-12 BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Not Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric is very stretchy GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Product Details Blue crepe (48% Cotton, 47% Polyamide, 5% Elastane) Sleeveless. Crew neckline. Full skirt. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. 33" from shoulder to neckline. Imported. Share Pin It Almas Dress Stylist Notes Intricately embroidered appliques makes this Temperley London dress charming. Let the gold accents shine by pairing this dress with basic black pumps. Size & Fit Sized: 2-10 Size & Fit Notes Sized: 2-10 Size Chart Product Details Black tulle (100% Polyester). Long sleeves. Boat neckline. Hidden side zipper. Partially lined. 34" from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Maxine Dress Stylist Notes Pockets modernize this floral dress by Carven. Accent with Eddie Borgo's Inlaid Small Cube Bracelet, and complete the look with heels. Size & Fit Sized: 34-42, French sizing Size & Fit Notes Sized: 34-42, French sizing Size Chart Product Details Blue Lurex Jacquard (60% Cotton, 40% Polyamide). Sleeveless. Crew neckline. Full skirt with side pockets. Waistband detail. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Fully lined. 35" from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Overlapping Dress Stylist Notes A ribbed texture gives this sharp Opening Ceremony dress elegant depth. Complete the origami-inspired design with simple black heels and Elizabeth & James' Velde Ring. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: XS - L. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress very fitted at natural waist HIPS: Fitted - stretchy fabric allows comfortable room for full hips LENGTH: Knee length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric is very stretchy GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: XS - L. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress very fitted at natural waist HIPS: Fitted - stretchy fabric allows comfortable room for full hips LENGTH: Knee length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric is very stretchy GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Product Details Black striped print jacquard (90% Polyethylene, 10% Spandex). Sleeveless. V-neckline. Fitted skirt. Idden side zipper. Fully lined. 36" from shoulder to hem. Imported. Share Pin It Rose Floral Dress Stylist Notes Show off your arms in this red Josie Natori dress. Elevate the skirt's floral design with strappy sandals. Size & Fit Sized: 2-14 Size & Fit Notes Sized: 2-14 Size Chart Product Details Red synthetic crepe (92% polyester, 8% polyurethane). Sleeveless. V-neckline. Full skirt. Hidden side pockets. Fully lined. Invisible back zipper with hook and eye closure. 38" from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Taupe Grecian Draped Dress Stylist Notes Look put-together in this elegantly draped Jason Wu dress. Complement the graceful neckline with golden dangling earrings. Size & Fit Sized: 0-12 Size & Fit Notes Sized: 0-12 Size Chart Product Details Cream crepe (70% Viscose, 30% Acetate). Sleeveless. Boat neckline. Sheath bodice. Belt detail. Fully lined. Hidden side zipper with hook-and-eye closure. 38" from shoulder to hemline. Made in USA. Share Pin It Dina Sheath Stylist Notes This body-skimming blue Cushnie Et Ochs sheath features an eye-popping cutout. Bring the color to life with silver accessories. Size & Fit Sized: 0-12 Size & Fit Notes Sized: 0-12 Size Chart Product Details Blue ponte (84% Viscose, 11% Nylon, 5% Elastane). Sleeveless. Crew neckline. Fitted skirt with back slit. Back cutout detail. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure at neck. Fully lined. 45" from shoulder to hemline. Made in the USA. Share Pin It Linc Jumpsuit Stylist Notes This Jay Godfrey jumpsuit features wide legs, side cutouts and a shallow V neckline to accentuate the natural waist. Pair the sexy vermilion look with gold jewelry. Size & Fit This jumpsuit runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0 - 12. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Two lengths available. Regular measures 58'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6''), Long measures 61'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'7''-5'11''). UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a nubra or no bra. FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This jumpsuit runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0 - 12. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Two lengths available. Regular measures 58'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6''), Long measures 61'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'7''-5'11''). UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a nubra or no bra. FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Red crepe (98% Polyester, 2% Spandex). Sleeveless. V-neckline. Wide leg pants. Side cut outs. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Fully lined. V-back. See size and fit tab for length. Imported. Share Pin It Throwing Roses Dress Stylist Notes Scattered pink flowers give this lace Giambattista Valli dress a spring feel. We love it with mary janes. Size & Fit Sized 38-46, Italian sizing. Size & Fit Notes Sized 38-46, Italian sizing. Size Chart Product Details White Synthetic Jacquard (53% Cotton, 33% Polyester, Silk 9%, Polyamide 5%). Sleeveless. Crew neckline. Shift dress with floral embroidery. Invisible back zipper. Imported Share Pin It Contrast Seams Dress Stylist Notes Look modern and sharp in DEREK LAM's exposed seam dress. Try the exaggerated ladylike shape with pointy-toe pumps. Size & Fit Sized: 36-44, Italian sizing Size & Fit Notes Sized: 36-44, Italian sizing Size Chart Product Details Black wool (82% Wool, 18% Silk). Sleeveless. V-neckline. Full Skirt. Hidden back zipper. 39" from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Mod Abstract Shift Stylist Notes Mod with a splash of color, this MSGM shift is playful and chic at once. The sixties-inspired silhouette pairs well with patent leather boots. Size & Fit Sized: 38-48, Italian Size & Fit Notes Sized: 38-48, Italian Size Chart Product Details Abstract printed crepe (68% Viscose, 32% Cotton). Sleeveless. Crew neckline. Shift bodice with pleated detail and side pockets. Hidden back zipper. Fully lined. 34" from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Fairytale Bow Dress Stylist Notes This red kate spade new york dress is simply chic. Pair the minimal look with a colorful minaudiere. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size down for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0 - 16. BUST: Better for larger busts - ample room at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Not Fitted - fuller skirt allows comfortable room for full hips LENGTH: Knee length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a nubra or no bra. FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Petite, Tall, body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size down for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0 - 16. BUST: Better for larger busts - ample room at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Not Fitted - fuller skirt allows comfortable room for full hips LENGTH: Knee length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a nubra or no bra. FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Petite, Tall, body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Product Details Red silk faille (75% Silk, 25% Cotton). Sleeveless. V-neckline. Full skirt with side pockets. Bow detail on back. Hidden side zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Fully lined. 34" from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Printed Silk Tassel Dress Stylist Notes A chic tassel necktie pulls this DEREK LAM dress together. Pair the patterned look with something simple, like black boots. Size & Fit Sized: 36-48, Italian sizing Size & Fit Notes Sized: 36-48, Italian sizing Size Chart Product Details Print silk crepe (100% Silk). Short sleeves. V-neckline. Front button and tassel tie closure. Attached nude slip. 37" from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Berry Red Crossover Dress Stylist Notes This tailored berry red Jason Wu sheath is versatile. We love it with pumps. Size & Fit Sized: 0-12 Size & Fit Notes Sized: 0-12 Size Chart Product Details Red wool crepe (47 Viscose% 41% Cotton% 12%Polyamide). Sleeveless. V-neckline. Sheath. Hidden side zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Gold zipper pull. Fully lined. 43" from shoulder to hemline. Made in U.S.A. Share Pin It Navy Crinkle Dress Stylist Notes This crinkled satin shift by Nina Ricci is simple yet unique. We love it paired with strappy sandals and a cuff. Size & Fit Sized: 34-44, French sizing Size & Fit Notes Sized: 34-44, French sizing Size Chart Product Details Blue crepe (65% Acetate 28% Wool 9% Silk).Short sleeves. Boat neckline. Shift. Back ties. Hidden side pockets. Length. Made in France. Share Pin It Midnight Red Gown Stylist Notes Alluring lace panels and a dramatic side slit make this Yigal Azrouel gown romantic. Wear the merlot hue with barely-there strappy sandals. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0 - 12. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: One length available. Regular measures 58'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6''). UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a nubra or no bra. FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0 - 12. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: One length available. Regular measures 58'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6''). UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a nubra or no bra. FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Purple crepe (51% Polyester, 42% Polyamide, 7% Elastane). Sleeveless. Crew neckline. Lace inset detail. Fitted skirt with front slit. Back cutout with exposed back zipper. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Fully lined. See size and fit tab for length. Made in the USA. Share Pin It Little Lip Pleated Shift Stylist Notes Little lips make this dress by Giamba romantic. We love this shift with a pair of fun and colorful heels. Size & Fit Sized: 38-48, Italian sizing Size & Fit Notes Sized: 38-48, Italian sizing Size Chart Product Details Red chiffon (100% Polyester). Sleeveless. Crew neckline. Shift bodice. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Partially lined. 33" from shoulder to hemline. Made in Italy. Share Pin It Edelle Dress Stylist Notes Copper accents give this Catherine Deane dress edge. Pair the patterned-leather look with over-the-knee boots. Size & Fit Sized: 0-12 Size & Fit Notes Sized: 0-12 Size Chart Product Details Black/Brown Patterned Leather (100% Leather, 70% Rayon, 25% Nylon, 5% Spandex). Sleeveless. Crew neckline. Full skirt with side pockets. Hidden back zipper. Fully lined. 34" from shoulder to hemline. Imported.
Variation in leather color may occur. Share Pin It Mera Jumpsuit Stylist Notes An asymmetrical layer makes this Tibi dress stand out. Pair the cobalt blue look with strappy sandals. Size & Fit This jumpsuit runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0 - 12. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Not Fitted - comfortable room throughout midsection HIPS: Not Fitted - comfortable room for hips LENGTH: Tea length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Pear, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This jumpsuit runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0 - 12. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Not Fitted - comfortable room throughout midsection HIPS: Not Fitted - comfortable room for hips LENGTH: Tea length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Pear, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Blue silk crepe de chine (100% Silk). Strapless. Straight neckline. Wide leg. Ruffle detail on bodice. Hidden side zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Partially lined. Boned bodice. 47" from bust to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Print Patchwork Harness Gown Stylist Notes Overlapping details add depth to this ADEAM gown. We style it with black sandals. Size & Fit Sized: 2-12, one length available. Regular measures 58'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6''). Size & Fit Notes Sized: 2-12, one length available. Regular measures 58'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6''). Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Black crepe (100% Polyester). Sleeveless. Crew neckline. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. See size and fit tab for length. Imported. Share Pin It Rouge Sleek Zip Gown Stylist Notes A square neckline elevates this red Antonio Berardi gown. Wear it with pearls. Size & Fit Sized: 38-46, Italian sizing. One length available. Regular measures 58'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6''). Size & Fit Notes Sized: 38-46, Italian sizing. One length available. Regular measures 58'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6''). Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Red crepe (96% Rayon, 4% Elastane). Short sleeves. Square neckline. Gown. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Lined. See size and fit tab for length. Imported. Share Pin It Deconstructed Slip Dress Stylist Notes Abstract tailoring and subtle white panels give this Adeam dress edge. Try it with muted leather booties. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 2-12. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Not Fitted - comfortable room throughout midsection HIPS: Not Fitted - comfortable room for hips LENGTH: One length available. Measures 58'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6''. UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a nubra or no bra. FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Apple, Athletic, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 2-12. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Not Fitted - comfortable room throughout midsection HIPS: Not Fitted - comfortable room for hips LENGTH: One length available. Measures 58'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6''. UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a nubra or no bra. FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Apple, Athletic, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Black printed chiffon (100% Polyester). Sleeveless. V-neckline. Hidden side zipper with hook-and-eye closure. See size and fit tab for length. Imported. Share Pin It Black Gemini Dress Stylist Notes Seaming details and lace panels add unexpected structure to this CATHERINE DEANE dress. We love the Victorian-inspired look with pearls. Size & Fit Sized: 2-12, one length available. Regular measures 44'' from shoulder to hem. Size & Fit Notes Sized: 2-12, one length available. Regular measures 44'' from shoulder to hem. Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Black ponte (92% Polyester, 8% Spandex). Sleeveless. Crew neckline. Sheath. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Partially lined. 44" from shoulder to hemline. Share Pin It Feather Flutter Dress Stylist Notes Eclectic tailoring gives this Prabal Gurung dress a fun feel. We love it with an updo. Size & Fit Sized: 2-8, one length available. Regular measures 48'' from shoulder to hem. Size & Fit Notes Sized: 2-8, one length available. Regular measures 48'' from shoulder to hem. Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Black printed crepe (100% Polyester). Short sleeves. Sweetheart neckline. Sheath. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Fully lined. 48' from shoulder to hemline. Made in USA. Share Pin It Navy Ruffle Shift Dress Stylist Notes Ruffles make this navy shift dress by MSGM modern. We love this look with statement earrings. Size & Fit Sized: 38-46, Italian sizing Size & Fit Notes Sized: 38-46, Italian sizing Size Chart Product Details Blue crepe (84% Polyester, 10% Viscose, 6% Elastane). Sleeveless. V-neckline. Shift. Hidden back zipper. 33'' from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Printed Vines Dress Stylist Notes An uneven hem adds character to this Proenza Schouler dress. Wear it with an updo. Size & Fit Sized: 0-10 Size & Fit Notes Sized: 0-10 Size Chart Product Details Black silk chiffon (100% Silk). Long sleeves. Crew neckline. Full skirt. Lined. 44" from shoulder to front hemline, 49" from shoulder to back hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Mod Stripe Shift Stylist Notes Colorblocked swaths give this Cynthia Rowley shift a mod feel. Pair the 1960's-nostalgic look with statement studs and kitten heels. Size & Fit Sized: 0-12 Size & Fit Notes Sized: 0-12 Size Chart Product Details Black and white and pink faille (100% Polyester) Sleeveless. Crew neckline. Hidden side and shoulder zippers with hook-and-eye closure. Fully lined. 33" from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Ripple Print Black Dress Stylist Notes Distinguishing details make this black dress by Proenza Schouler a standout. Wear it with a necklace. Size & Fit Sized: 0-10 Size & Fit Notes Sized: 0-10 Size Chart Product Details Printed black crepe (74% Acetate, 26% Viscose). Sleeveless. V-neckline. Full skirt. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Fully lined. 40'' from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Francoise Floral Shift Stylist Notes Mix up your look with this fun floral MSGM dress. Pair the asymmetrical look with sleek black sandals. Size & Fit This dress runs small. We recommend sizing up (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 38-46, Italian sizing. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Not Fitted - comfortable room throughout midsection HIPS: Not Fitted - comfortable room for hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Apple, Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10") Size & Fit Notes This dress runs small. We recommend sizing up (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 38-46, Italian sizing. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Not Fitted - comfortable room throughout midsection HIPS: Not Fitted - comfortable room for hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Apple, Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10") Size Chart Product Details Black floral chiffon (100% Silk). Sleeveless. Crew neckline. Shift bodice with ruffle detail. Asymmetrical sleeve. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Partially lined. 36" from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Flapper Pastel Pleat Dress Stylist Notes The pastel panel on this drop waist MSGM dress is a unique accent. Try it with stacked heels. Size & Fit Sized: 38-48, Italian sizing Size & Fit Notes Sized: 38-48, Italian sizing Size Chart Product Details Black crepe (57% acetate 43% Viscose). Sleeveless. Crew neck. A-line.Hidden back zipper. 45" from shoulder to hemline. Made in Italy. Share Pin It White Colorblock Dress Stylist Notes This colorblocked kate spade new york dress features a feminine bow on its back. We love the look with a strand of pearls. Size & Fit Sized: 0-14 Size & Fit Notes Sized: 0-14 Size Chart Product Details Black and white faille (100% Polyester). Sleeveless. Crew neckline. Full skirt. Hidden side zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Fully lined. 34" from shoulder to hem. Imported. Share Pin It Ezria Dress Stylist Notes With a pleated skirt and intricately cut bodice, this Catherine Deane dress is structured and feminine at once. Elevate it with black pumps. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 2-12 BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted at natural waist HIPS: Not Fitted - comfortable room for hips LENGTH: Knee length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Pear, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 2-12 BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted at natural waist HIPS: Not Fitted - comfortable room for hips LENGTH: Knee length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Pear, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Product Details Black/Silver Leather (100% Leather, 100% Polyester). Sleeveless. Crew neckline. Full skirt with tassel belt. Exposed back zipper. Fully lined. 40" from shoulder to hemline. Share Pin It Enchanted Forest Dress Stylist Notes A scalloped lace neckline adds charm to this feminine floral dress by Cynthia Rowley. We love the look with the Maya Ball Ring by STANMORE & strappy sandals. Size & Fit Sized: 0-12 Size & Fit Notes Sized: 0-12 Size Chart Product Details Floral print (100% Polyester). Sleeveless. V-neckline. Full Skirt. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Partially lined. 33' from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Maryana Dress Stylist Notes Paisley overlays make the sheer sleeves of this Temperley London skater dress eye-catching. Elevate the form-flattering silhouette with black pumps. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 2-12 BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted at natural waist HIPS: Not Fitted - fuller skirt allows comfortable room for full hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a nubra or no bra. FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Pear, Petite, and Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 2-12 BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted at natural waist HIPS: Not Fitted - fuller skirt allows comfortable room for full hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a nubra or no bra. FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Pear, Petite, and Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Product Details Black crepe (100% Polyester). Long sleeves. Boat neckline. Embroidered illusion detail. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. 36" from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Kora Jumpsuit Stylist Notes The statement waist-tie on this teal Tibi jumpsuit is flattering and trendy. Try wearing the look with flats, or elevated with heels. Size & Fit This jumpsuit runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0 - 12. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Not Fitted - comfortable room for hips LENGTH: One length available. Measures 54'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6''. UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This jumpsuit runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0 - 12. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Not Fitted - comfortable room for hips LENGTH: One length available. Measures 54'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6''. UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Teal crepe (100% Polyester). Cap sleeves. Scoop neckline. Front pockets. Wrap belt at waist. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. 54" from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Capri Dress Stylist Notes Add some drama to your evening in this Opening Ceremony cascade sleeve dress. Call attention to the mod silhouette with subtle heels. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size down for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0 - 8. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Not Fitted - comfortable room throughout midsection HIPS: Not Fitted - comfortable room for hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size down for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0 - 8. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Not Fitted - comfortable room throughout midsection HIPS: Not Fitted - comfortable room for hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Product Details Orange crepe (100% Polyester). Short sleeves. V-neckline. Shift bodice with draped sleeve detail. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Fully lined. 35" from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Mock Neck Floral Printed Dress Stylist Notes Florals and a mock neck give this Suno dress a retro feel. Wear it with booties. Size & Fit Sized: 0-12 Size & Fit Notes Sized: 0-12 Size Chart Product Details Printed brown floral jacquard (40% Polyester, 37% Cotton, 16% Silk, 7% Acrylic%). Long sleeves. High neckline. Sheath bodice. Exposed back zipper. 34'' from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Navy Zarita Sheath Stylist Notes A scalloped hemline and transparent sleeves distinguish this Diane von Furstenberg sheath. Pair the lace look with simple heels or ankle boots.
Also available in red, teal, gold, white, and purple. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0 - 14. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - stretchy fabric allows comfortable fit throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - stretchy fabric allows comfortable room for full hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10") Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0 - 14. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - stretchy fabric allows comfortable fit throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - stretchy fabric allows comfortable room for full hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10") Size Chart Product Details Blue lace (70% Rayon, 30% Nylon, 88% Viscose, 12% Silk lining). ¾ sleeves. Boat neckline. Fitted skirt. Exposed back zipper. Fully lined. 34" from shoulder to hem. Made in USA. Share Pin It Agathe Ruffle Dress Stylist Notes This layered Tibi look is super modern. We love it with black ballet flats. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size down for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-12. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Not Fitted - comfortable room throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - stretchy fabric allows comfortable room for full hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size down for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-12. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Not Fitted - comfortable room throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - stretchy fabric allows comfortable room for full hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Product Details Green crepe (48% Cotton, 45% Polyamide, 7% Elastane). Three-quarter sleeves. Crew neckline. Full skirt. Hidden back zipper. Fully lined. 33" from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Dana Dress Stylist Notes Textured overlay makes this floral Sachin & Babi dress edgy. Elevate the look with pointy-toe heels. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0 - 12. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted at natural waist HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a nubra or no bra. FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0 - 12. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted at natural waist HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a nubra or no bra. FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Product Details Blue floral jacquard Sheath (90% Polyester, 10% Nylon). Sleeveless. Crew Neckline. Exposed back zipper. Fully lined. 36" from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Midnight Wraparound Dress Stylist Notes With frontal slits and a wrapped waistline, this David Koma dress is alluringly designed. Keep this look chic with strappy sandals. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 6-14, British sizing. BUST: Great for any cup size - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted at natural waist HIPS: Not Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Tea length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a nubra or no bra. FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 6-14, British sizing. BUST: Great for any cup size - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted at natural waist HIPS: Not Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Tea length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a nubra or no bra. FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Navy crepe (52% Acetate, 45% Viscose, 3% Elastane). Sleeveless. Sweetheart neckline. Sheath bodice. Exposed back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Fully lined. 50" from shoulder to hemline. Made in the United Kingdom. Share Pin It Black Victorian Dress Stylist Notes This black ruffled Giamba dress is chic and eye-catching. Pair the textured look with strappy black sandals. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size down for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 38 - 48, Italian sizing. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Not Fitted - comfortable room throughout midsection HIPS: Not Fitted - comfortable room for hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh to knee length - (on a 5'6" model) FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Apple, Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size down for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 38 - 48, Italian sizing. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Not Fitted - comfortable room throughout midsection HIPS: Not Fitted - comfortable room for hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh to knee length - (on a 5'6" model) FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Apple, Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Product Details Black lace (100% polyester). Sleeveless. Crew neckline. Back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Fully lined.36" from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Black and White Feather Dress Stylist Notes This Proenza Schouler's halter dress has a flattering silhouette and a chic print. Pair the look with delicate gold jewelry. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-10. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress very fitted at natural waist HIPS: Not Fitted - comfortable room for hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Hourglass, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-10. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress very fitted at natural waist HIPS: Not Fitted - comfortable room for hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Hourglass, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Product Details Printed black silk chiffon (100% Silk). Sleeveless. Halter neckline. Full skirt. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Fully lined. 39" from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Crystalline Gown Stylist Notes Show off your shoulders in this iridescent blue pamella by pamella roland gown. With a modern asymmetrical hem, this shimmering look is truly a standout. Size & Fit Sized: 0-14, two lengths available. Regular measures 58'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6''), Long measures 61'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'7''-5'11''). Size & Fit Notes Sized: 0-14, two lengths available. Regular measures 58'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6''), Long measures 61'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'7''-5'11''). Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Blue jacquard (100% Polyester). Sleeveless. One shoulder neckline. Full skirt with asymmetrical hemline. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Fully lined. See size and fit tab for length. Imported. Share Pin It Red Square Pleat Dress Stylist Notes Bold slits make this Adaem dress a standout. We love it with a brightly colored clutch. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: S-L. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Knee length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Hourglass, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: S-L. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Knee length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Hourglass, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Product Details Red knit (77% Acetate, 23% Nylon). Sleeveless. Square neckline. Sheath bodice. Front and back slit skirt details. Hidden side zipper. 43" from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Hibiscus Lace Jumpsuit Stylist Notes Made from a bold patterned lace, this Yigal Azrouël jumpsuit is a fuss-free answer to a dress. Slip on some flats for a complete look. Size & Fit This jumpsuit runs small. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-10. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Very Fitted - very fitted at natural waist HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: One length available. Regular measures 58'' from shoulder to hem. UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This jumpsuit runs small. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-10. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Very Fitted - very fitted at natural waist HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: One length available. Regular measures 58'' from shoulder to hem. UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Black synthetic lace (100% cotton, 100% polyester lining). Sleeveless. Square neckline. Hidden back zipper. See size and fit tab for length. Made in USA. Share Pin It Seeing Stripes Culotte Jumpsuit Stylist Notes With culottes and a color-blocked palette, this MSGM jumpsuit is both cutting-edge and comfortable. We love this look with subtle sandals. Size & Fit This jumpsuit runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 38-46, Italian sizing. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - fitted at natural waist HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Tea length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This jumpsuit runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 38-46, Italian sizing. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - fitted at natural waist HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Tea length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Black and blue cotton (85% Cotton, 15% Polyester). Sleeveless. V-neckline. Jumpsuit. Hidden back zipper. Fully lined. 46" from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Green Ivy Leaf Lace Sheath Stylist Notes Textured lace elevates the classic shape of this ML Monique Lhuillier dress. Pair it with pearl studs. Size & Fit Sized: 0-12 & plus 14W-20W Size & Fit Notes Sized: 0-12 & plus 14W-20W Size Chart Product Details Green lace (100% Polyester). Long sleeve. Crew neckline. Fitted skirt. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Partially lined. 42" from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Tea Rose Side Slash Dress Stylist Notes This minimal PRABAL GURUNG dress is chic. Draw attention to the plunging neckline with a gold necklace. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-10. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Tea length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Hourglass, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-10. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Tea length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Hourglass, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Pink crepe (100% Polyester). Sleeveless. V–neckline. Shift bodice. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. 44" from shoulder to hemline. Made in USA. Share Pin It Red Alda Gown Stylist Notes Look elegant in this classic red OSMAN gown. We love this look with gold cuffs and an upswept hairdo. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 6-14, British sizing. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Not Fitted - comfortable room throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Two lengths available. Regular measures 58'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6''), Long measures 61'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'7''-5'11''). UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a nubra or no bra. FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 6-14, British sizing. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Not Fitted - comfortable room throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Two lengths available. Regular measures 58'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6''), Long measures 61'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'7''-5'11''). UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a nubra or no bra. FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Red crepe (52% Acetate, 45% Viscose, 3% Elastane). Sleeveless. Boat neckline. Hidden side zipper. See size and fit tab for length. Imported. Share Pin It Cobalt Skinny Halter Dress Stylist Notes This simple Jason Wu halter is minimal and sophisticated. We love the blue look with silver jewelry. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-10. BUST: Great for any cup size - built in bra WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted at natural waist HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Knee length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a nubra or no bra. FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-10. BUST: Great for any cup size - built in bra WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted at natural waist HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Knee length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a nubra or no bra. FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Product Details Blue crepe (70% Acetate, 30% Viscose). Sleeveless. Halter neckline. Sheath bodice. Hidden side zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Fully lined. 42" from shoulder to hemline. Made in USA. Share Pin It Beige Structured Crepe Trench Dress Stylist Notes A belted waistline gives this luxe Tibi trench dress shape. We love it styled with a turtleneck and booties. Size & Fit This dress runs large. We recommend going one size down for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-12. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress cinched at waist with belt HIPS: Not Fitted - comfortable room for hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh to knee length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Apple, Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs large. We recommend going one size down for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-12. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress cinched at waist with belt HIPS: Not Fitted - comfortable room for hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh to knee length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Apple, Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Product Details Beige crepe (95% polyester, 5% elastane) Sleeveless. V-neckline with belted waist and front button closure. 38" from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Leandra Lace Dress Stylist Notes Diane von Furstenberg's classic wrap dress is reworked with floral and sheer details. Try the feminine look with sharp pointy-toe heels. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: XS-L. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted at natural waist HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh to knee length (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric is very stretchy GREAT FOR: Athletic, Bump Friendly, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: XS-L. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted at natural waist HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh to knee length (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric is very stretchy GREAT FOR: Athletic, Bump Friendly, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Product Details Black wool (100% wool). Long sleeves. V-neckline. Full wrap skirt. Lace details. 39" from shoulder to hem. Imported. Share Pin It Blue Mikado Dress Stylist Notes A belted waistline and button detail give this navy blue dress by Carven a sleek feel. Wear it with strappy sandals and the Serra Gold Cuff by Elizabeth and James. Size & Fit This dress runs small. We recommend sizing down (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 34-42, French sizing. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted at natural waist HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Hourglass, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs small. We recommend sizing down (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 34-42, French sizing. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted at natural waist HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Hourglass, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Product Details Blue mikado silk (87% Polyester, 13% Silk). Sleeveless. Crew neckline. Full skirt. Hidden side zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Fully lined. 34" from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Blue Lace Applique Fishnet Sheath Stylist Notes Textured and embroidered, this fishnet Tory Burch sheath is eye-catching. Pair the winter floral look with black pumps. Size & Fit Sized: 0-14 Size & Fit Notes Sized: 0-14 Size Chart Product Details Blue synthetic lace (100% Polyester) Short sleeves. Crew neckline. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Fully lined. 39" from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It White Tie Tuxedo Jumpsuit Stylist Notes Get chic in this tuxedo-inspired pamella by pamella roland jumpsuit. We love this look with pointy-toe heels and an updo. Size & Fit Sized: 0-10, two lengths available. Regular measures 58'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6''), Long measures 61'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'7''-5'11''). Size & Fit Notes Sized: 0-10, two lengths available. Regular measures 58'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6''), Long measures 61'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'7''-5'11''). Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details White and black crepe (100% Polyester). Sleeveless. One shoulder neckline. Jumpsuit. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Partially lined. Draped bodice. See size and fit tab for length. Imported. Share Pin It Sateen Jacquard Cutout Dress Stylist Notes Show just a hint of skin in this Tory Burch dress. We love it with leather sandals. Size & Fit Sized: 0-14 Size & Fit Notes Sized: 0-14 Size Chart Product Details Navy printed synthetic jacquard (100%polyester). Sleeveless. V-neckline. Side and back cut out detail. Hidden zipper at center back on bodice and skirt. 39" from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Black Fold Over Shoulder Dress Stylist Notes With an off-the-shoulder silhouette and handkerchief hemline, this DEREK LAM dress is both relaxed and sophisticated. Wear it with slip-ons. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 36-46, Italian sizing. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - comfortable room for hips LENGTH: Tea length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 36-46, Italian sizing. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - comfortable room for hips LENGTH: Tea length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Black crepe (100% Polyester). Long sleeves. Off the shoulder to neckline. Full skirt. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Lined. 40" from shoulder to shortest part of the hemline, 48" from shoulder to longest part of the hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Black Plume Ruffle Dress Stylist Notes Sumptuous ruffles and subtle button details make this Yigal Azrouël LBD alluring. We love it with chunky sandals. Size & Fit Sized: 0-12 Size & Fit Notes Sized: 0-12 Size Chart Product Details Black chiffon (100% Polyester). Long sleeves. V-neckline. Full skirt. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. 34" from shoulder to front hemline, 40" from shoulder to back hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Cherry Red Button-Up Dress Stylist Notes Buttons accent this red Prabal Gurung Size & Fit Sized: 0-8, one length available. Regular measures 47'' from shoulder to hem. Size & Fit Notes Sized: 0-8, one length available. Regular measures 47'' from shoulder to hem. Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Red crepe (100% Polyester). Long sleeves. Crew neckline. Sheath bodice. Hidden zip line with exposed zipper and hook-and-eye closure. Partially lined. 47" from shoulder to hemline. Made in USA. Share Pin It White Floral Flounce Back Dress Stylist Notes Floral details give this sleeveless Lela Rose dress charm. We love the look with an updo. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-10. BUST: Great for any cup size - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - comfortable room throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh to knee length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Apple, Full Bust, Hourglass, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-10. BUST: Great for any cup size - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - comfortable room throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh to knee length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Apple, Full Bust, Hourglass, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Product Details White floral jacquard (48% Polyester, 21% Silk, 14% Acrylic, 14% Wool, 3% Polyamide). Strapless. Straight neckline. Hourglass bodice. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Fully lined. Boned bodice. 30" from neckline to hemline. Made in USA. Share Pin It Grapevine Gown Stylist Notes The navy and gold combo makes this Marchesa Notte dress feel super luxe. Show off the cool asymmetrical hemline with a barely-there sandal. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0 - 14. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted at natural waist HIPS: Not Fitted - comfortable room for hips LENGTH: One length available. Measures 58'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6''.) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a nubra or no bra. FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0 - 14. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted at natural waist HIPS: Not Fitted - comfortable room for hips LENGTH: One length available. Measures 58'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6''.) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a nubra or no bra. FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Blue lace (100% Nylon). Short sleeves. Crew neckline. Lace overlay. Hidden back zipper. Fully lined. See size and fit tab for length. Imported. Share Pin It Day and Night Dress Stylist Notes Simple yet chic, this layered Giambattista Valli shift is a fun alternative to the LBD. We love this look styled with pointy-toe heels. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size down for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 38-46, Italian sizing. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Not Fitted - comfortable room throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - comfortable room for hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Apple, Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size down for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 38-46, Italian sizing. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Not Fitted - comfortable room throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - comfortable room for hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Apple, Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Product Details Black and white crepe (100% Polyester). Sleeveless. Crew neckline. Shift bodice. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Fully lined. 36" from shoulder to hemline. Made in Italy. Share Pin It Lotus Flutter Dress Stylist Notes Wavy ribbing details and a ruffled edge add a playful spin to this chic Opening Ceremony dress. Elevate the look with strappy sandals. Size & Fit Sized: XS-L, one length available. Regular measures 51'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6''). Size & Fit Notes Sized: XS-L, one length available. Regular measures 51'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6''). Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details White crepe (100% Polyester). Sleeveless. Crew neckline. Fitted skirt with ruffle hemline. Hidden side zipper and button closure at neck. 51" from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Red Pebbled Crepe Jumpsuit Stylist Notes A graphic back makes this Tory Burch jumpsuit alluring. We love the red look with gold sandals. Size & Fit Sized: XS-XL, one length available. Regular measures 58'' from shoulder to hem. Size & Fit Notes Sized: XS-XL, one length available. Regular measures 58'' from shoulder to hem. Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Red Synthetic Crepe (63% polyester, 27% viscose, 7% cotton, 3% elastane).Sleeveless. V-neckline. Back cross tie detail. Invisible back zipper with hook and eye closure. Front pockets. Imported. Share Pin It Swivel Skirt Dress Stylist Notes This sleek dress by Giambattista Valli is form-flattering. We love the look with pumps. Size & Fit Sized: 38-46, Italian sizing Size & Fit Notes Sized: 38-46, Italian sizing Size Chart Product Details Pink crepe (44% Cotton, 41% Rayon, 15% Nylon). Sleeveless. Crew neckline. Full skirt. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Fully lined. 35'' from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Blue Silk Cady Wrap Front Dress Stylist Notes A tie front adds to the elegant and modern feel of this blue Nina Ricci dress. We love it with subtle earrings. Size & Fit Sized: French 34-42 Size & Fit Notes Sized: French 34-42 Size Chart Product Details Blue crepe four ply (74% Viscose, 26% Silk). Sleeveless. Straight neckline. Shift. Hidden side zipper with hook-and-eye closure. 36'' from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Black Sadie Dress Stylist Notes Contrasting textures add dimension to this Cushnie Et Ochs slip dress. We love it with an updo. Size & Fit Sized: 0-10 Size & Fit Notes Sized: 0-10 Size Chart Product Details Black jacquard (47% Acetate, 46% Polyester, 7% Acrylic). Sleeveless. Sweetheart neckline. Sheath. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Fully lined. 49" from shoulder to hemline. Made in the USA. Share Pin It Grey Open Shoulder Dress Stylist Notes This Derek Lam dress features open-shoulder sleeves. We love the unconventional look with strappy sandals and the Wine Red Karima Clutch by Christian Siriano. Size & Fit Sized: 36-44, Italian sizing Size & Fit Notes Sized: 36-44, Italian sizing Size Chart Product Details Grey heavy needle knit (84% Cotton, 16% Polyamide). Sleeveless. Scoop neckline. Hourglass. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. 42.5'' from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Black Diamond Lace Dress Stylist Notes Lace accents elevate this silken slip dress by Nina Ricci. Style the look with simple black pumps and the Rose Sailor's Knot Bracelet by kate spade. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 34-42, French sizing. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Not Fitted - comfortable room throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Tea length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a nubra or no bra. FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Apple, Athletic, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 34-42, French sizing. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Not Fitted - comfortable room throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Tea length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a nubra or no bra. FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Apple, Athletic, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Product Details Black wool crepe (96% Wool, 4% Elastane). Sleeveless. V-neckline. Shift. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Adjustable straps. Partially lined. 43" from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Crisp Floral Print Dress Stylist Notes With a floral print, this Suno fit-and-flare dress is fun. We love the look with suede boots and the Serra Gold Cuff by Elizabeth and James. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-12. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress very fitted at natural waist HIPS: Not Fitted - fuller skirt allows comfortable room for full hips LENGTH: Mini to Mid-thigh - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Apple, Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-12. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress very fitted at natural waist HIPS: Not Fitted - fuller skirt allows comfortable room for full hips LENGTH: Mini to Mid-thigh - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Apple, Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Product Details Black floral silk crepe de chine (95% Silk, 5% Elastane). Three-quarter sleeves. Boat neckline. Sheath bodice. Exposed back zipper. 34" from shoulder to hemline. Made in USA. Share Pin It Prairie Floral Silk Dress Stylist Notes A floral print makes this ethereal Suno dress charming. We love the look with a braided updo and the Gold Shimmer Link Bracelet by Ben Amun. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size down for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-12 BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress very fitted at natural waist HIPS: Not Fitted - comfortable room for hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh to knee length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Apple, Athletic, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size down for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-12 BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress very fitted at natural waist HIPS: Not Fitted - comfortable room for hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh to knee length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Apple, Athletic, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Product Details Blue floral silk crepe de chine (100% Silk). Three-quarter sleeves. V-neckline. Full skirt. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Front buttons. 36" from shoulder to hemline. Made in USA. Share Pin It White Ripple Ruffle Dress Stylist Notes A white ruffle adds drama to this Marni dress. Wear it with an updo. Size & Fit Sized: 36-44, Italian sizing Size & Fit Notes Sized: 36-44, Italian sizing Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Black and white crepe (100% Polyester). Sleeveless. Halter neckline. Shift. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. 54" from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Black Crochet Jersey Dress Stylist Notes This classic black dress by Derek Lam is flattering. We love the look with a statement bag. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: Sized: 36-46, Italian sizing BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress very fitted at natural waist HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Tea length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: Sized: 36-46, Italian sizing BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress very fitted at natural waist HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Tea length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Product Details Black matte jersey (80% Nylon, 20% Cotton). Sleeveless. Cowl neckline. Full skirt. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Unattached lining. 47" from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Black Siran Dress Stylist Notes A geometric high-low hemline distinguishes this black Misha Collection dress. We love the look with the Silver Sailor's Knot Bangle by kate spade. Size & Fit Sized: XS-L Size & Fit Notes Sized: XS-L Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Black crepe (75% Nylon, 25% Elastane). Sleeveless. Boat neckline. Sheath. Hidden back zipper with hook and eye closure. Fully lined. 48" from shoulder to longest part of hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Black Cascade Bustle Dress Stylist Notes This black Adeam dress features a chic silhouette. We love the look with strappy sandals. Size & Fit Sized: 2-12, one length available. Regular measures 49" from shoulder to back hemline. Size & Fit Notes Sized: 2-12, one length available. Regular measures 49" from shoulder to back hemline. Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Black crepe (100% Polyester) Sleeveless. Crew neckline. Full skirt. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Lined. 38"from shoulder to front hemline and 49" from shoulder to back hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Black Square Neck Tailored Sheath Stylist Notes A square neckline makes this black sheath by Antonio Berardi super sleek. We love the look with strappy heels and the Raven Miniaudiere by Sondra Roberts. Size & Fit Sized: 38-46, Italian sizing Size & Fit Notes Sized: 38-46, Italian sizing Size Chart Product Details Black crepe (96% Rayon, 4% Elastane). Short sleeves. Square neckline. Sheath. Exposed back zipper. Fully lined. 46'' from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Piper Ruffle Hem Dress Stylist Notes A ruffled seam is a chic detail on this Cinq a Sept sheath. We love the look with silver jewelry. Size & Fit Sized: 0-12 Size & Fit Notes Sized: 0-12 Size Chart Product Details Blue crepe (100% Polyester). Sleeveless. Crew neckline. Sheath. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Fully lined. 43" from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Yellow Vine Dress Stylist Notes Bold black hemlines add allure to this Proenza Schouler dress. Wear it with black strappy sandals. Size & Fit Sized: 0-8 Size & Fit Notes Sized: 0-8 Size Chart Product Details Black silk chiffon (100% Silk). Sleeveless. V-neckline. Full skirt. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. 48"from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Guava Jumpsuit Stylist Notes Achieve maximum elegance with minimal fuss in this guava Sachin & Babi jumpsuit. Pair the all-in-one look with pumps and Eddie Borgo's Thin Safety Chain Bracelet. Size & Fit This jumpsuit runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0 - 12. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - fitted at natural waist HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: One length available. Measures 58'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6''). UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a nubra or no bra. FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This jumpsuit runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0 - 12. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - fitted at natural waist HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: One length available. Measures 58'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6''). UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a nubra or no bra. FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Red crepe (70%Triacetate, 30% Polyester). Sleeveless. Square neckline. Jumpsuit. Fully lined. See size and fit tab for length. Imported. Share Pin It Navy Button Vest Dress Stylist Notes Structured and sleek, with button closures, this navy dress by DEREK LAM is classic. We love the look with flats the Lavender Nokki Shiny Calf Crossbody Bag by Opening Ceremony. Size & Fit Sized: 36-46, Italian sizing Size & Fit Notes Sized: 36-46, Italian sizing Size Chart Product Details Blue crepe (100% Polyester). Sleeveless. V-neckline. Shift bodice. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Lined. 41" from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Geometric Block Off Sheath Stylist Notes Bold and geometric, this black and white Antonio Berardi dress is one-of-a-kind. We love it with black slides. Size & Fit Sized: 38-46, Italian sizing Size & Fit Notes Sized: 38-46, Italian sizing Size Chart Product Details Black and white crepe (96% Rayon, 4% Elastane). Long Sleeves. Boat neckline. Sheath bodice. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Lined. 45" from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Paisley Wine Cut Out Dress Stylist Notes A subtle slit adds to the appeal of this paisley Suno sheath. We love it with the Moonstone Levitation Cuff by Pamela Love. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-12. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Tea length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-12. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Tea length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Product Details Printed crepe (95% Silk, 5% Elastane). Short sleeves. Crew neckline with front cut out. Sheath bodice. Exposed back zipper. Lined. 44" from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Beca Ruffle Dress Stylist Notes A statement ruffle neckline gives this ML Monique Lhuillier dress a dramatic silhouette. We love it with an updo and the Mother of Pearl Crystal Lily Ring by Lele Sadoughi. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-12. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Knee length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-12. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Knee length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Product Details Black & navy crepe (100% Polyester). Sleeveless. Off the shoulder neckline. Fitted skirt. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Fully lined. 36" from bust to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Red Retro Ruffle Jumpsuit Stylist Notes This red Jay Godfrey jumpsuit stands out because of its striking and funky silhouette. Try wearing it with chunky heels and a simple necklace.
Also available in black. Size & Fit This jumpsuit runs small. We recommend sizing up (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-12 BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - very fitted at natural waist HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Two lengths available. Regular measures 58'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6''), Long measures 61'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'7''-5'11''). UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Hourglass, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This jumpsuit runs small. We recommend sizing up (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-12 BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - very fitted at natural waist HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Two lengths available. Regular measures 58'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6''), Long measures 61'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'7''-5'11''). UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Hourglass, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Red crepe (98% Polyester, 2% Spandex). Strapless. Straight neckline with popover detail and open back. Back zipper with hook and eye closure. Fully lined. See size and fit tab for length. Imported. Share Pin It Facade Sheath Stylist Notes Channel the Victorian age in this ML Monique Lhuillier dress. Black lace is a great backdrop for a statement necklace. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-12 BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted at natural waist HIPS: Not Fitted - comfortable room for hips LENGTH: Knee length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-12 BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted at natural waist HIPS: Not Fitted - comfortable room for hips LENGTH: Knee length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Product Details Black lace (60% Cotton, 23% Rayon, 17% Nylon). Sleeveless. High neckline. Sheath bodice. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure at neck. Fully lined. 37" from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Trident Gown Stylist Notes The fine lace details and sleek fit of this Marchesa Notte gown will turn heads. With so many details, simply finish with sleek heels. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-16 BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Two lengths available. Regular measures 58'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6''), Long measures 61'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'7''-5'11''). UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-16 BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Two lengths available. Regular measures 58'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6''), Long measures 61'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'7''-5'11''). UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Black lace (65.1% Nylon, 34.9% Polyester). Long sleeves. V-neckline. Fit-and-flare skirt. Lace and sequin overlay. Fully lined. Hidden back zipper and hook-and-eye closure. See size and fit tab for length. Imported. Share Pin It Purple Scallop Top Mini Dress Stylist Notes A scalloped top adds charm to this Giambattista Valli shift. We love the look with pointy-toe heels. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size down for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 38-46, Italian sizing BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size down for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 38-46, Italian sizing BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Product Details Purple crepe (100% Virgin Wool). Sleeveless. Crew neckline. Sheath. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Fully lined. 33.5'' from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Black Leather Peplum Dress Stylist Notes The peplum waistline chics up this little black dress by Giamba. Style it with pointy-toe heels. Size & Fit This dress runs small. We recommend sizing up (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 38-46, Italian sizing BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Very Fitted - dress very fitted at natural waist HIPS: Not Fitted - comfortable room for hips LENGTH: Mini to Mid-thigh - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Apple, Athletic, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs small. We recommend sizing up (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 38-46, Italian sizing BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Very Fitted - dress very fitted at natural waist HIPS: Not Fitted - comfortable room for hips LENGTH: Mini to Mid-thigh - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Apple, Athletic, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Product Details Black crepe (95% Rayon/Viscose, 5% Elastane). Sleeveless. Crew neckline. Full skirt. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Partially lined. 32.5'' from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Black Nolly Dress Stylist Notes Sheer details make this lace Diane von Furstenberg dress fun. We love it with peep-toe heels. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-14 BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted at natural waist HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh to knee length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-14 BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted at natural waist HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh to knee length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Product Details Black cotton plain weave (100% Cotton). Three quarter sleeves. Crew neckline. Full skirt. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Fully lined. 35.5'' from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Red Luna Dress Stylist Notes With an elegant silhouette, this red Cinq à Sept dress is a scene-stealer. Pair it with statement earrings like the Red Impatients Flower Drop Earrings by Oscar de la Renta . Size & Fit This dress runs small. We recommend sizing up (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-8 BUST: Great for any cup size - fitted at bust WAIST: Very Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Very Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Tea length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs small. We recommend sizing up (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-8 BUST: Great for any cup size - fitted at bust WAIST: Very Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Very Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Tea length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Product Details Red crepe (69% Triacetate, 31% Polyester.). Strapless. Straight neckline. Sheath with ruffle hem detail. Hidden back zipper with hook and eye closure. Fully lined. 42" from bust to hem. Imported. Share Pin It Black Pleated Sideswept Dress Stylist Notes This pleated black dress byGiamba has movement. We love the layered look with T-strap heels. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 38-46, Italian sizing BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress very fitted at natural waist HIPS: Not Fitted comfortable room for hips LENGTH: Tea length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra. We recommend fashion tape. FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 38-46, Italian sizing BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress very fitted at natural waist HIPS: Not Fitted comfortable room for hips LENGTH: Tea length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra. We recommend fashion tape. FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Product Details Black poly chiffon (100% polyester). Sleeveless. Crew neckline. Full midi skirt. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Fully lined. 45" from shoulder to hem. Imported. Share Pin It Black Marie Sheath Stylist Notes A lace hem makes this black dress by Cinq à Sept eye-catching. We love it with a choker necklace. Size & Fit This dress runs small. We recommend sizing up (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-12 BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Very Fitted - dress very fitted at natural waist HIPS: Very Fitted curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Tea length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs small. We recommend sizing up (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-12 BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Very Fitted - dress very fitted at natural waist HIPS: Very Fitted curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Tea length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Black crepe (100% Polyester). Crew neckline. Sleeveless. Sheath with lace detail. 44" from shoulder to hem. Hidden back zipper with hook and eye closure. Fully lined. Imported. Share Pin It Rust Nova Dress Stylist Notes Contrasting straps add drama to this alluring Cinq à Sept sheath. We love it with a choker necklace. Size & Fit Sized: 0-12 Size & Fit Notes Sized: 0-12 Size Chart Product Details Red crepe (69% Triacetate, 31% Polyester.). Off the shoulder neckline. Sleeveless. Sheath. 46" from shoulder to hem. Hidden back zipper with hook and eye closure. Fully lined. Imported. Share Pin It Paisley Print Pleat Dress Stylist Notes The layered and pleated skirt of this Philosophy di Lorenzo Serafini dress adds movement to the look. Wear it with a pendant necklace. Size & Fit Sized: 38-44, Italian sizing Size & Fit Notes Sized: 38-44, Italian sizing Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Printed black lace (99% Polyamide, 1% Other Fibers). Long sleeves. V-neckline. Full skirt. Hidden side zipper. Partially Lined. 48.5" from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Blue Medina Dress Stylist Notes Shimmering and chic, this Rachel Comey sheath speaks for itself. Wear the look with silver accents. Size & Fit Sized: 0-10 Size & Fit Notes Sized: 0-10 Size Chart Product Details Navy neoprene (100% Cotton). Sleeveless. Boat neckline. Sheath. 43.5" from shoulder to hemline. Made in the USA. Share Pin It Black Sleek Lace Sheath Stylist Notes A low back adds allure to this little black dress by Sachin & Babi. Try it with strappy sandals. Size & Fit Sized: 0-12 Size & Fit Notes Sized: 0-12 Size Chart Product Details Black lace (100% Polyester). Sleeveless. Boat neckline. Sheath. Hidden side zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Fully line. 40' from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Blue Chiffon Drop Ruffle Dress Stylist Notes Delicate ruffles add volume to this shoulder-showing Philosophy di Lorenzo Serafini dress. Wear it with pumps. Size & Fit Sized: 38-46, Italian sizing Size & Fit Notes Sized: 38-46, Italian sizing Size Chart Product Details Blue chiffon (100% Polyester). Sleeveless. V-neckline. Shift bodice. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Lined. 35"from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Lavender Jacquard Dress Stylist Notes Floral patterns highlight this Josie Natori sheath. Wear it with strappy heels. Size & Fit Sized: 2-14 Size & Fit Notes Sized: 2-14 Size Chart Product Details Purple floral jacquard (100% Polyester). Cap sleeves. V-neckline. Hourglass bodice. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Fully lined. 35" from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Victory Print Dress Stylist Notes Go Rorschach-chic in this printed Temperley London dress. Wear it with the Etnia Bracelet by Elizabeth Cole. Size & Fit Sized: 4-10, one length available. Regular measures 52'' from shoulder to hem. Size & Fit Notes Sized: 4-10, one length available. Regular measures 52'' from shoulder to hem. Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Printed black satin (100% Polyester). Short sleeves. Crew neckline. Hourglass. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Fully lined. 52" from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Focal Suiting Dress Stylist Notes With button details and a menswear-inspired silhouette, this Opening Ceremony dress has a modern edge. We love the look with slides. Size & Fit This dress runs large. We recommend sizing down (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-8. BUST: Great for any cup size - deep v provides minimal support in bust area WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted at natural waist HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Knee to tea length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Apple, Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs large. We recommend sizing down (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-8. BUST: Great for any cup size - deep v provides minimal support in bust area WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted at natural waist HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Knee to tea length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Apple, Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Blue crepe (65% Polyester, 33% Rayon, 2% Polyurethame). Sleeveless. V-neckline. Shift bodice. Hidden side zipper. Partially lined. 46" from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Blossom Mesh Dress Stylist Notes Colorful flowers dot this mesh sheath from Nicole Miller. We love the floral look with. the Mother of Pearl Crystal Lily Ring by Lele Sadoughi. Size & Fit Sized: 0-12 Size & Fit Notes Sized: 0-12 Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Black synthetic lace (100% Polyester). Long sleeves. Illusion Crew neckline. Sheath. Hidden back zipper with hook and eye closure. Fully lined. 50" from shoulder to hem. Imported. Share Pin It Black Carwash Pleat Dress Stylist Notes Carwash pleats add movement to this Proenza Schouler dress. Wear the look with bold heels. Size & Fit Sized: 0-10 Size & Fit Notes Sized: 0-10 Size Chart Product Details Black crepe (74% Acetate, 26% Viscose). Long sleeves. High neckline. Full skirt. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Lined. 38" from shoulder to front hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Red Ruched Marisa Dress Stylist Notes Ruching adds texture to this brilliant red dress by NINA RICCI. We love the look with strappy sandals. Size & Fit Sized: 34-38, French sizing Size & Fit Notes Sized: 34-38, French sizing Size Chart Product Details Red silk (100% Silk). Sleeveless. Crew neckline. Full skirt. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Fully lined. 37" from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Black Lotus Flutter Dress Stylist Notes A textured fabric and wavy hemline give this body-skimming Opening Ceremony dress a sultry feel. We love this fun LBD with the Marble Swirl Clutch by Sondra Roberts. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: XS-L. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Very Fitted - stretchy fabric allows comfortable fit throughout midsection HIPS: Very Fitted - stretchy fabric allows comfortable room for full hips LENGTH: Tea length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric is very stretchy GREAT FOR: Hourglass, Pear, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: XS-L. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Very Fitted - stretchy fabric allows comfortable fit throughout midsection HIPS: Very Fitted - stretchy fabric allows comfortable room for full hips LENGTH: Tea length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric is very stretchy GREAT FOR: Hourglass, Pear, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Black crepe (94% Polyester, 6% Spandex). Sleeveless. Crew neckline. Sheath bodice. Hidden side zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Back keyhole with button. 52" from shoulder to hem. Imported. Share Pin It Combo Print Maxi Stylist Notes A colorblocked graphic design makes this Adeam maxi chic. Style it with black strappy sandals and a sleek ponytail. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 2-12. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress very fitted at natural waist HIPS: Not Fitted - fuller skirt allows comfortable room for full hips LENGTH: One length available. Measures 58'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6''. UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a nubra or no bra. FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Hourglass, Pear, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 2-12. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress very fitted at natural waist HIPS: Not Fitted - fuller skirt allows comfortable room for full hips LENGTH: One length available. Measures 58'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6''. UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a nubra or no bra. FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Hourglass, Pear, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Green printed chiffon (100% Polyester). Sleeveless. V-neckline. Hidden side zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Fully lined. See size and fit tab for length. Imported. Share Pin It Black Eyelet Sofia Dress Stylist Notes Delicate details, like cool perforations and a unique top, make this tiered Cushnie Et Ochs dress more than just an LBD. Try the look with strappy sandals for an evening out. Size & Fit Sized: 0-10
We recommend fashion tape. Size & Fit Notes Sized: 0-10
We recommend fashion tape. Size Chart Product Details Black cotton (53% Cotton, 40% Polyamide, 7% Elastane). Sleeveless. V-neckline. Full skirt with ruffle detail. Hidden side zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Fully lined. 47" from shoulder to hemline. Made in the USA. Share Pin It Red Precision Gown Stylist Notes A golden yoke balances out this beautiful red Marchesa Notte gown. Go classic with a strappy stiletto, or offset the full skirt with a pointy-toe heel. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0 - 14. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted at natural waist HIPS: Not Fitted - fuller skirt allows comfortable room for full hips LENGTH: Two lengths available. Regular measures 58'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6''), Long measures 61'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'7''-5'11''). UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a nubra or no bra. FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Pear, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0 - 14. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted at natural waist HIPS: Not Fitted - fuller skirt allows comfortable room for full hips LENGTH: Two lengths available. Regular measures 58'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6''), Long measures 61'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'7''-5'11''). UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a nubra or no bra. FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Pear, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Red silk faille (70% Cotton, 30% Silk). Sleeveless. Crew neckline. Illusion mesh neckline. Full skirt with tulle underlay. Side pockets. Hidden back zipper. See size and fit tab for length. Imported. Share Pin It Draped Jumpsuit Stylist Notes Contemporary with a hint of a 1970's vibe, this jumpsuit by Osman will be a standout look for your next event. Team it up with a piece of metallic jewelry — try Eddie Borgo's Inlaid Pearl Hinged Cuff — and barely-there heels. Size & Fit This jumpsuit runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 6 - 14, British sizing. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - fitted at natural waist HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Two lengths available. Regular measures 58'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6''), Long measures 61'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'7''-5'11''). UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a nubra or no bra. FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".)
We recommend fashion tape. Size & Fit Notes This jumpsuit runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 6 - 14, British sizing. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - fitted at natural waist HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Two lengths available. Regular measures 58'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6''), Long measures 61'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'7''-5'11''). UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a nubra or no bra. FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".)
We recommend fashion tape. Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Black crepe (52% acetate, 49% viscose, 3% elastane). Sleeveless. Crew neckline. Jumpsuit. See size and fit tab for length. Imported. Share Pin It Black Off The Shoulder Scuba Dress Stylist Notes This off-shoulder Yigal Azrouël dress is sleek. Pair it with a collar necklace and the Black Toni Minaudiere by Franchi. Size & Fit Sized: 0-12 Size & Fit Notes Sized: 0-12 Size Chart Product Details Black neoprene (96% Polyester, 4% Elastane). Short sleeves. Off the shoulder neckline. Sheath bodice. Fully lined. 38" from bust to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Black Silk Georgette Floral Dress Stylist Notes Lace accents make this Jason Wu dress both waist-flattering and charming. Pair the A-line look with mary janes. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0 - 12. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted at natural waist HIPS: Not Fitted - fuller skirt allows comfortable room for full hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh to knee length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a nubra or no bra. FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Pear, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10") Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0 - 12. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted at natural waist HIPS: Not Fitted - fuller skirt allows comfortable room for full hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh to knee length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a nubra or no bra. FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Pear, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10") Size Chart Product Details Black crepe (100% Silk). Short sleeves. Crew neckline. Full skirt. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. 37" from shoulder to hemline. Made in the USA. Share Pin It Nightingale Gown Stylist Notes Elegantly highlight your decolletage in this richly embroidered Marchesa Notte dress. With so many intricate details, just add some classic stud earrings and simple heels. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-16 BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Two lengths available. Regular measures 58'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6''), Long measures 61'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'7''-5'11''). UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-16 BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Two lengths available. Regular measures 58'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6''), Long measures 61'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'7''-5'11''). UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Black Lace (60% Nylon, 40% Polyester). Short sleeves. Crew Neckline. Full skirt. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Sheer mesh panel on front and back bodice. Partially lined. See size and fit tab for length. Imported. Share Pin It Plum Thalia Puckered Dress Stylist Notes Subtle sheer insets add to the appeal of this plum Opening Ceremony sheath. Elevate it with the Narcissus Drop Earrings by Lulu Frost. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: XS-L. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Very Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Very Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Tea length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a nubra or no bra. FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: XS-L. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Very Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Very Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Tea length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a nubra or no bra. FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Product Details Purple jersey (100% Polyester). Sleeveless. Crew neckline with open back. Sheath bodice. Lined. 50" from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Gilded Tulip Dress Stylist Notes This Josie Natori sheath shimmers. Wear it with gold accessories. Size & Fit This dress runs small. We recommend sizing up (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 2-12. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted at natural waist HIPS: Not Fitted - comfortable room for hips LENGTH: Mini to Mid-thigh - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs small. We recommend sizing up (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 2-12. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted at natural waist HIPS: Not Fitted - comfortable room for hips LENGTH: Mini to Mid-thigh - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Product Details Gold jacquard (100% Polyester). Sleeveless. Crew neckline. Full skirt. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Fully lined. 35" from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Contrast Jeanne Two Dress Stylist Notes Channel the 1970s in Diane Von Furstenberg's classic patterned wrap dress. Try it with pumps at work and swap for strappy heels for a night out. Size & Fit This dress runs small. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0 - 12. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted at natural waist HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric is very stretchy GREAT FOR: Athletic, Bump Friendly, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs small. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0 - 12. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted at natural waist HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric is very stretchy GREAT FOR: Athletic, Bump Friendly, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Product Details Black and white silk jersey (100% Silk jersey). Long Sleeves. V-neckline with collar. Cross over wrap with straight skirt and a self-tie belt. 40" from shoulder to hem. Imported. Share Pin It Midnight Mazarine Fleur Dress Stylist Notes Feel artistic in this printed Saloni dress. Pair it with booties and the Graphic Compass Cuff by Sarah Magid. Size & Fit Sized: 0-12 Size & Fit Notes Sized: 0-12 Size Chart Product Details Printed blue chiffon (100% Polyester). Sleeveless. High neckline. Blouson bodice. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Lined. 38" from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Plum Smooth Drape Dress Stylist Notes Expose your shoulders in this sleekly-draped plum Prabal Gurung look. We love it with strappy sandals and the Crystal Stepped Pyramid Cocktail Ring by Alexis Bittar. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-8. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - comfortable room throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - comfortable room for hips LENGTH: Tea length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-8. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - comfortable room throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - comfortable room for hips LENGTH: Tea length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Purple crepe (100% Viscose). Short sleeves with cold shoulder detail. V-neckline. Sheath bodice. Hidden back zip line with exposed zipper and hook-and-eye closure. Partially lined. 54" from shoulder to hemline. Made in USA. Share Pin It Emerald Parrot Wrap Dress Stylist Notes This deep green Temperley London dress features a back-baring cutout and feminine silhouette. We love the look with a choker necklace and the Sunrise Ring by Marchesa. Size & Fit Sized: 4-10, one length available. Regular measures 42'' from shoulder to hem. Size & Fit Notes Sized: 4-10, one length available. Regular measures 42'' from shoulder to hem. Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Green satin (100% Polyester). Short sleeves. V-neckline. Wrap. Fully lined. 42" from shoulder to front hemline, 59" from shoulder to back hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Red Berry Gown Stylist Notes A thigh-skimming slit adds allure to this Nicole Miller gown. Pair the deep red look with black pumps. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-12 BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust. Note open back provides minimal support in bust area. WAIST: Fitted - fitted at natural waist HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Two lengths available. Regular measures 58'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6''), Long measures 61'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'7''-5'11''). UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a nubra or no bra. We recommend shapewear. FABRIC:Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-12 BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust. Note open back provides minimal support in bust area. WAIST: Fitted - fitted at natural waist HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Two lengths available. Regular measures 58'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6''), Long measures 61'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'7''-5'11''). UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a nubra or no bra. We recommend shapewear. FABRIC:Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Red matte jersey. (68% Acetate, 27% Polyester, 5% Spandex). Long sleeves. V-neckline. Embellished belt detail. Straight skirt. Hidden back zipper. See size and fit tab for length. Imported. Share Pin It Woodland Dress Stylist Notes With an asymmetrical hem, this textured teal Cynthia Rowley dress feels truly unique. Complement the jewel tones with a playful heel and STANMORE's Maya Ball Cuff. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0 - 12. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted at natural waist HIPS: Not Fitted - fuller skirt allows comfortable room for full hips LENGTH: One length available. Measures 40'' from shoulder to shortest hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6''. UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Pear, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0 - 12. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted at natural waist HIPS: Not Fitted - fuller skirt allows comfortable room for full hips LENGTH: One length available. Measures 40'' from shoulder to shortest hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6''. UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Pear, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Blue jacquard (100% Polyester). Strapless. Straight neckline. Asymmetrical Full skirt with side pockets. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Fully lined. Boned bodice. 40" from bust to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Emerald Pattern Lace Sheath Stylist Notes Intricate lace elevates this emerald green Cynthia Rowley dress. Wear it with stud earrings. Size & Fit Sized: 0-12 Size & Fit Notes Sized: 0-12 Size Chart Product Details Green lace (100% Polyester). Long sleeves. Crew neckline. Fitted skirt. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Partially lined. 34" from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Aubergine Louise Dress Stylist Notes A side-swept neckline makes this Cushnie Et Ochs sheath elegant. We love it with pumps. Size & Fit Sized: 0-10 Size & Fit Notes Sized: 0-10 Size Chart Product Details Purple crepe (97% Viscose, 3% Elastane). Sleeveless. High neckline. Sheath. Hidden zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Fully lined. 51" from top of neckline to hemline. Made in the Share Pin It Black Plissé Dress Stylist Notes With a drop waist and a flounce hem, this black Adeam dress is chic. Try it with stud earrings. Size & Fit Sized: 2-12 Size & Fit Notes Sized: 2-12 Size Chart Product Details Black crepe (100% Polyester). Sleeveless. Crew neckline. Shift. Concealed back zipper. 43" shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Christie Jumpsuit Stylist Notes Lace accents spruce up this Diane von Furstenberg jumpsuit. Pair the chic look with pointed-toe heels. Size & Fit This jumpsuit runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-14 BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust. Note deep v provides minimal support in bust area. WAIST: Fitted - dress cinched at waist with belt HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Two lengths available. Regular measures 58'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6''), Long measures 61'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'7''-5'11''). UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with Hollywood Fashion Tape's Silicone CoverUps or no bra. We recommend fashion tape. FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This jumpsuit runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-14 BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust. Note deep v provides minimal support in bust area. WAIST: Fitted - dress cinched at waist with belt HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Two lengths available. Regular measures 58'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6''), Long measures 61'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'7''-5'11''). UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with Hollywood Fashion Tape's Silicone CoverUps or no bra. We recommend fashion tape. FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Black lace (75% Rayon, 25% Nylon). Long sleeves. V-neckline. Wrap waist detail. Fully lined with lace overlay. See size and fit tab for length. Imported. Share Pin It Off Shoulder Shimmer Leaf Dress Stylist Notes Go for a chic and playful look in this printed, off-shoulder Cynthia Rowley mini dress. We love it with black sandals. Size & Fit Sized: 0-12 Size & Fit Notes Sized: 0-12 Size Chart Product Details Print jacquard (100% Polyester). Cap sleeves. Off the shoulder neckline. Full skirt. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Partially lined. 29' from neckline to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Black Ruffle Shoulder Jumpsuit Stylist Notes A ruffle adds a fun feel to this sleek jumpsuit by Cynthia Rowley. Wear it with an updo. Size & Fit Sized: 0-12, one length available. Regular measures 55'' from shoulder to hem. Size & Fit Notes Sized: 0-12, one length available. Regular measures 55'' from shoulder to hem. Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Black faille (81% Cotton, 19% Silk). Sleeveless. One shoulder. Jumpsuit. Hidden side zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Partially lined. 55' from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Silver Screen Metallic Dress Stylist Notes This metallic look features a sleek and feminine shape. We love the Suno look with a statement ring. Size & Fit Sized: 0-12 Size & Fit Notes Sized: 0-12 Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Silver jacquard (74% Polyester, 26% Viscose). Sleeveless. V-neckline. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. 47" from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Imperial Blue Scarf Neck Dress Stylist Notes An elegant neckline makes this Nina Ricci shift supremely elegant. Let it speak for itself by pairing it with strappy sandals. Size & Fit Sized: 34-44, French sizing Size & Fit Notes Sized: 34-44, French sizing Size Chart Product Details Blue silk crepe de chine (100% Silk). Cap sleeves. High neckline. Shift. Zipper. Fully lined. 36" from shoulder to hemline. Made in France. Share Pin It Forest Green Envelope Structure Gown Stylist Notes A plunging neckline adds drama to this Carven gown. Pair the green look with gold accessories. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size down for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 34-42, French sizing BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted at natural waist HIPS: Not Fitted - comfortable room for hips LENGTH: Two lengths available. Regular measures 58'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6''), Long measures 61'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'7''-5'11''). UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a nubra or no bra. FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size down for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 34-42, French sizing BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted at natural waist HIPS: Not Fitted - comfortable room for hips LENGTH: Two lengths available. Regular measures 58'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6''), Long measures 61'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'7''-5'11''). UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a nubra or no bra. FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Green crepe (100% Polyester). Sleeveless. V-neckline. Gown. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Lined. See size and fit tab for length. Imported. Share Pin It Vermillion Crisp Cut Dress Stylist Notes Make them stare in this bright red Prabal Gurung dress. Play up its cool hemline by elevating the look with simple sandals. Size & Fit Sized: 0-10 Size & Fit Notes Sized: 0-10 Size Chart Product Details Red crepe (100% Polyester). Sleeveless. Scoop neckline. Sheath bodice. Hidden side zipper with hook-and-eye-closure. Fully lined. 32" from shoulder to shortest part of hemline. 41" from shoulder to longest part of hemline. Made in USA. Share Pin It White Swift Sash Dress Stylist Notes Highlight your natural waist in this constructed Carven dress. Wear it with an updo. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 34-42, French sizing. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted at natural waist HIPS: Not Fitted - comfortable room for hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh to knee length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Apple, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 34-42, French sizing. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted at natural waist HIPS: Not Fitted - comfortable room for hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh to knee length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Apple, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Product Details White crepe (70% Acetate, 30% Silk). Sleeveless. V-neckline. Full skirt. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Lined. 36" from shoulder to front hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Lace Manor Midi Dress Stylist Notes Lace insets add a downtown feel to this black Ungaro dress. We love it with pointy-toe heels. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 38-42, Italian sizing. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Very Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Tea length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Hourglass, Pear, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 38-42, Italian sizing. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Very Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Tea length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Hourglass, Pear, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Black lace (100% Polyester). Long sleeves. Crew neckline. Full skirt. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Fully lined. 53" from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Black Fresno Ruffle Dress Stylist Notes A ruffle adds glamour to this Jay Godfrey dress. Wear it with strappy sandals. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-12. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - stretchy fabric allows comfortable fit throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Knee to tea length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric is very stretchy GREAT FOR: Athletic, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-12. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - stretchy fabric allows comfortable fit throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Knee to tea length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric is very stretchy GREAT FOR: Athletic, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Product Details Black crepe (98% Polyester, 2% Spandex). Sleeveless. One shoulder neckline. Sheath. Hidden side zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Fully lined. 45" from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Black Stone Penn Dress Stylist Notes Full sleeves and a voluminous skirt lend a feminine feel to this LBD from Opening Ceremony. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-10. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress very fitted at natural waist HIPS: Not Fitted - fuller skirt allows comfortable room for full hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Apple, Athletic, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-10. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress very fitted at natural waist HIPS: Not Fitted - fuller skirt allows comfortable room for full hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Apple, Athletic, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Product Details Black crepe (65% Polyester, 33% Rayon, 2% Polyurethame). Shortsleeves. V-neckline. Full skirt. Lined. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. 34" from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Black Scallop Ruffle Mini Dress Stylist Notes This black Giambattista Valli mini dress features a chic ruffled neckline. We love this look with nude flats. Size & Fit Sized: 38-46, Italian sizing Size & Fit Notes Sized: 38-46, Italian sizing Size Chart Product Details Black crepe (100% Wool). Cap sleeves. Crew neckline. Shift. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Partially lined. 34'' from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Black Imogen Ottoman Dress Stylist Notes A sheer top and sleeves add an understated touch of allure to this black dress by Opening Ceremony. We love the look with pumps. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: XS-L. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - stretchy fabric allows comfortable room for full hips LENGTH: Knee length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric is very stretchy GREAT FOR: Athletic, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: XS-L. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - stretchy fabric allows comfortable room for full hips LENGTH: Knee length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric is very stretchy GREAT FOR: Athletic, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Product Details Black synthetic crepe (65% Polyester, 33% Rayon, 2% Polyurethame) Long sleeves. Crew neckline. Sheath bodice. Lined. 41" from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Cosmic Jacquard Party Dress Stylist Notes A keyhole neckline makes this shimmering pamella by pamella roland dress alluring. Try it with the Blue Pear Stone Ring by Oscar de la Renta & metallic heels. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-12. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted at natural waist HIPS: Not Fitted - fuller skirt allows comfortable room for full hips LENGTH: Knee length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Apple, Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-12. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted at natural waist HIPS: Not Fitted - fuller skirt allows comfortable room for full hips LENGTH: Knee length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Apple, Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Product Details Printed purple jacquard (fabric). Sleeveless. Crew neckline. Full skirt. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Fully lined. 41" from shoulder to hem. Imported. Share Pin It Navy Vanessa Gown Stylist Notes A high-low hemline draws the eye to the maroon underside of this Sachin & Babi dress. Elevate it with strappy sandals. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size down for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-12. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Not Fitted - comfortable room for hips LENGTH: Tea length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a nubra or no bra. FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size down for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-12. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Not Fitted - comfortable room for hips LENGTH: Tea length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a nubra or no bra. FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Blue mikado silk blend (100% Silk). Off the shoulder. Strapless. Exposed back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Partially Lined. See size and fit tab for length. Imported. Share Pin It Folded Red Cocktail Dress Stylist Notes Geometric folds add structure to this red dress by Carven. We love it with a colorful shoe and the Windrose Cuff by Elizabeth and James. Size & Fit Sized: 34-42, French sizing Size & Fit Notes Sized: 34-42, French sizing Size Chart Product Details Red crepe (70% Acetate, 30% Silk). Sleeveless. V-neckline. Full skirt. Hidden side zipper. Fully lined. 39" from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Black Stella Dress Stylist Notes A sophisticated neckline gives this Cushnie Et Ochs sheath flair. Size & Fit Sized: 0-10 Size & Fit Notes Sized: 0-10 Size Chart Product Details Black crepe (97% Viscose, 3% Elastane). Long sleeves. One shoulder neckline. Sheath. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Fully lined. 49" from shoulder to hemline Made in the USA. Share Pin It Cobalt Block Dress Stylist Notes With a colorblocked slit this MSGM shift is mod. Accent the blue tones with silver jewelry. Size & Fit This dress runs large. We recommend sizing down (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 38-48, Italian sizing BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Not Fitted - comfortable room throughout midsection HIPS: Not Fitted - comfortable room for hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh to knee length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Apple, Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Bump Friendly Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs large. We recommend sizing down (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 38-48, Italian sizing BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Not Fitted - comfortable room throughout midsection HIPS: Not Fitted - comfortable room for hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh to knee length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Apple, Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Bump Friendly Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Product Details Blue crepe (53% Acetate 47% Viscose). Long sleeves. Crew neckline. A-line. Hidden back zipper. Fully lined. 35" from shoulder to hemline. Made in Italy. Share Pin It Metallic Godiva Gown Stylist Notes This floor-length CATHERINE DEANE gown features shimmering metallic lace. Attract attention when you pair it with shimmering dangling earrings. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 2-12. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: One length available. Measures 58'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6''. UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Hourglass, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 2-12. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: One length available. Measures 58'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6''. UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Hourglass, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Silver printed lace (100% Polyester). Short sleeves. Crew neckline. Gown. Hidden back zipper. Fully lined. See size and fit tab for length. Imported. Share Pin It Oxblood Pleated Sweetheart Dress Stylist Notes Pleats and a sweetheart neckline make this Nicole Miller dress romantic. Pair the look with pumps. Size & Fit Sized: 0-12 Size & Fit Notes Sized: 0-12 Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Red crepe (100% polyester). Sleeveless. V- neckline. Full pleated skirt. Hidden back zipper with hook and eye closure. Partially lined. 48" from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Merlot Red Lace Sheath Stylist Notes With a mini-dress slip beneath, this red lace Cynthia Rowley dress is both formal and alluring. Style it with stud earrings. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-12. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Tea length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Hourglass, Full Bust, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-12. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Tea length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Hourglass, Full Bust, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Red lace (100% Polyester). Long sleeves. Crew neckline. Sheath. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Partially lined. Slip is 33.5" from shoulder to hem, and lace overlay is 52" from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Opal Popover Sheath Dress Stylist Notes A layered fluting adds drama to this colorblocked Sachin & Babi dress. Show off the look with an updo and strappy sandals. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-12. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Very Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Tea length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-12. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Very Fitted - dress fitted throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Tea length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Product Details White crepe (70% Triacetate, 30% Polyester). Strapless. Straight neckline. Sheath. Exposed back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. 50.5'' from neckline to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Black Bonded Dress Stylist Notes Show off your shoulders in this sophisticated Cynthia Rowley dress. Show off its high-low hemline with strappy sandals. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-12. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted at natural waist HIPS: Not Fitted - fuller skirt allows comfortable room for full hips LENGTH: Knee to tea length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Apple, Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-12. BUST: Works best for A to C cup sizes - fitted at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted at natural waist HIPS: Not Fitted - fuller skirt allows comfortable room for full hips LENGTH: Knee to tea length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Apple, Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Black crepe (100% Polyester). Sleeveless. Off the shoulder neckline. Full skirt. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Fully lined. 30" from neckline to shortest hemline, and 43" from neckline to longest hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Prairie Floral Trapeze Dress Stylist Notes Ruffled sleeves add volume to this Cynthia Rowley dress. We love it with an updo and the Mother of Pearl Crystal Lily Ring by Lele Sadoughi. Size & Fit This dress runs large. We recommend sizing down (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-12. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Not Fitted - comfortable room throughout midsection HIPS: Not Fitted - comfortable room for hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Apple, Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs large. We recommend sizing down (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-12. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Not Fitted - comfortable room throughout midsection HIPS: Not Fitted - comfortable room for hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Apple, Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Product Details Black floral printed crepe (100% Polyester). Long Sleeve. Crew neckline. Shift skirt. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Partially lined. 33.5" from shoulder to hemline. Share Pin It Black Illusion Trumpet Dress Stylist Notes Hints of mesh make this black trumpet skirt gown by Nicole Miller a standout. We love it with strappy heels and the Mixed Metal Ring Stack by Sarah Magid. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-12. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - stretchy fabric allows comfortable fit throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Tea length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric is very stretchy GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-12. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - stretchy fabric allows comfortable fit throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - curvier women should consider sizing up for full hips LENGTH: Tea length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric is very stretchy GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Black matte jersey (64% Viscose, 28% Polyester, 8% Elastane). Crew neckline. Long sleeves. Sheath. Hidden back zipper with hook and eye closure. 48" from shoulder to hem. Imported. Share Pin It Black Scallop Dress Stylist Notes Lace elements accent this pleated Nicole Miller dress. We love the look with an updo. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-12. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted at natural waist HIPS: Not Fitted - comfortable room for hips LENGTH: Tea length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Apple, Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-12. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted at natural waist HIPS: Not Fitted - comfortable room for hips LENGTH: Tea length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: Should be worn with a strapless bra FABRIC: Fabric has no stretch GREAT FOR: Apple, Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Black floral synthetic lace (80% Rayon, 20% Nylon). Sleeveless. Crew neckline. Full skirt. Hidden back zipper with hook and eye closure. Partially lined. 45" from shoulder to hem. Imported. Share Pin It Floral Jadore Gown Stylist Notes With high hem in the front, this floral ML Monique Lhuillier gown feels modern. Show off the asymmetrical hemline with strappy sandals. Size & Fit Sized: 0-14, two lengths available. Regular measures 58'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6''). Long measures 61'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'7''-5'11''). Size & Fit Notes Sized: 0-14, two lengths available. Regular measures 58'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6''). Long measures 61'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'7''-5'11''). Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Floral print faille (100% Polyester). Sleeveless. Crew neckline. Hidden side zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Partially lined. See size and fit tab for length. Imported. Share Pin It Lynden Bell Floral Dress Stylist Notes Floral lace adds to the mod feel of this Cynthia Rowley dress. We love the look with strappy sandals & the Maya Ball Ring by Stanmore. Size & Fit Sized: 0-12 Size & Fit Notes Sized: 0-12 Size Chart Product Details Black and purple floral lace (100% Polyester). Long sleeves. Crew neckline. Sheath. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Partially lined. 34" from shoulder to hem. Imported Share Pin It Geometric Lace Cold Shoulder Sheath Stylist Notes Intricate lace cuts make this Cynthia Rowley dress chic. We love it with simple strappy sandals Size & Fit Sized: 0-12 Size & Fit Notes Sized: 0-12 Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Black lace (100% Polyester). Short sleeves. Crew neckline. Sheath. Exposed Shoulder. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Partially lined. 48" from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Wavy Stripe Bell Sleeve Dress Stylist Notes This chic black and navy lace Cynthia Rowley dress features bell sleeves. We love it with black pumps. Size & Fit Sized: 0-12 Size & Fit Notes Sized: 0-12 Size Chart Product Details Black & navy lace (100% Polyester). Three quarter sleeves. Crew neckline. Sheath. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Partially lined. 32'' from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Red Zarita Sheath Stylist Notes A scalloped hemline and transparent sleeves distinguish this Diane von Furstenberg sheath. Pair the lace look with simple heels or ankle boots.
Also available in teal, navy, gold, white, and purple. Size & Fit This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0 - 14. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - stretchy fabric allows comfortable fit throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - stretchy fabric allows comfortable room for full hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs true to size. We recommend going one size up for backup (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0 - 14. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - stretchy fabric allows comfortable fit throughout midsection HIPS: Fitted - stretchy fabric allows comfortable room for full hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric has some stretch GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Tall, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Product Details Red lace (70% Rayon, 30% Nylon). Long sleeves. Boat neckline. Fitted skirt. Hidden back zipper. Fully lined. See size and fit tab for length. Imported. Share Pin It Merlot Sheath Stylist Notes An open back and hide-and-peek hem make this body-skimming ML Monique Lhuillier sheath luxe Accent the merlot hue with gold jewelry. Size & Fit Sized: 0-14, one length available. Regular measures 50'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6'')
We recommend Braza's Reusable Strapless Backless Adhesive Underwire Bra. Size & Fit Notes Sized: 0-14, one length available. Regular measures 50'' from shoulder to hem (recommended for heights 5'2''-5'6'')
We recommend Braza's Reusable Strapless Backless Adhesive Underwire Bra. Size Chart Length Chart Dresses may not be offered in all of the above lengths. Product Details Red lace (60% Cotton, 23% Rayon, 17% Nylon). Long sleeves. High neckline. Straight skirt with back slit. Open back. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. Fully lined. 50" from shoulder to hemline. Imported. Share Pin It Black Marie Dress Stylist Notes A collar neckline and smooth hem adds polish to this ERIN Erin Fetherston LBD. Wear it with pointy-toe heels. Size & Fit This dress runs large. We recommend sizing down (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-12. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted at natural waist HIPS: Not Fitted - fuller skirt allows comfortable room for full hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh to knee length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric is very stretchy GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size & Fit Notes This dress runs large. We recommend sizing down (see following fit notes for exceptions). Sized: 0-12. BUST: Great for any cup size - comfortable room at bust WAIST: Fitted - dress fitted at natural waist HIPS: Not Fitted - fuller skirt allows comfortable room for full hips LENGTH: Mid-thigh to knee length - (on a 5'6" model) UNDERGARMENTS: May be worn with any standard bra FABRIC: Fabric is very stretchy GREAT FOR: Athletic, Full Bust, Hourglass, Pear, Petite, Straight & Narrow body types (Model's height is 5'10".) Size Chart Product Details Black knit (68% Rayon, 32% Nylon). Sleeveless. Shirt collar. Full skirt. Hidden back zipper with hook-and-eye closure. 37.5" from shoulder to hem. Imported. Share Pin It Bisque Flower Earrings Stylist Notes Elevate your look with these gold flower Oscar de la Renta danglers. Product Details Gold plated statement flower earrings with bisque Swarvoski crystal accents. Post backs with comfort pads. 3" long. Share Pin It Color Block Berry Earrings Stylist Notes Add an elegant touch to your look with these color blocked Oscar de la Renta earrings. Product Details 10K gold-plated drop earrings with two tone resin rectangular stones. Clip backs with comfort pads. 2.5" long. Share Pin It Diamond Dust Envelope Clutch Stylist Notes This DVF Handbags clutch is inspired by the glamour of the roaring twenties. Pair the dark, shimmering look with your evening attire. Product Details Black diamond dust glitter clutch with black bar detailing. Foldover with magnetic snap. 5.1" H x 10.7" W x 1.6" D. Share Pin It Embossed Nokki Hand Clasp Clutch Stylist Notes It's all in the details, especially with this embossed Opening Ceremony Accessories hand clasp clutch. Product Details Burgundy croc embossed patent leather clutch with iconic hand hardware that secures the top flap. Lined interior with 2 patch pockets. 7.75"H x 10.25"L. Share Pin It Eternal Garden Flower Drop Earrings Stylist Notes Pearls dangle from these floral Marchesa Jewelry earrings. Product Details Gold plated flower drop earrings with glass pearl, crystal and mother-of-pearl accents. Post backs for pierced ears. 2" long. Share Pin It Gold Crystal Leaf Earrings Stylist Notes Bold and gold, these crystal-encrusted Marchesa Jewelry earrings will give your look a boost. Product Details Gold plated foliage statement earrings with crystals and Czech glass accents. Post backs for pierced ears. 2.5" long. Share Pin It Gold Gradient Crystal Flower Earrings Stylist Notes Crystal-studded, these rose gold dangling earrings by Oscar de la Renta are stunning. Product Details 10K gold-plated gradient flower earrings embellished with Swarovski crystals. Post backs for pierced ears. 3" long and 1" wide. Share Pin It Gold Gradient Crystal Flower Necklace Stylist Notes A gradient of gold shades makes this crystal-studded Oscar de la Renta necklace an eye-catching accent. Product Details 10K gold-plated gradient flower necklace embellished with Swarovski crystals. Lobster clasp closure. 16.5" long with a 4" extender. Share Pin It Gradient Crystal Flower Ring Stylist Notes Add a hint of shimmer to your outfit with this floral statement ring by Oscar de la Renta. Product Details 10K gold-plated gradient flower ring embellished with Swarovski crystals. Hidden ring sizer. Fits ring size 6-8. Share Pin It Hummingbird Feather Earrings Stylist Notes These jewel-studded Marchesa Jewelry danglers will brighten any look. Product Details Gold plated linear feather earring with intertwined pave accents. Post backs for pierced ears. 3" long. Share Pin It Leopard Nokki Hand Clasp Clutch Stylist Notes It's all in the details, especially with this graphic Opening Ceremony Accessories hand clasp clutch. Product Details Black suede clutch with rubberized leopard detailing and iconic hand hardware that secures the top flap. Lined interior with 2 patch pockets. 7.75"H x 10.25"L. Share Pin It Light Gold Soirée Shimmer Clutch Stylist Notes This light gold DVF Handbags clutch is sleek and chic. Product Details Light gold metallic lizard embossed leather clutch with gold bar detailing. Magnetic flap closure and full interior wallet functionality. Hidden chain strap with 21" drop length. 4.3"H x 9"L x 1.6"D. Share Pin It Midnight Short Tassel Earrings Stylist Notes Beaded and bold, these Oscar de la Renta tassel earrings enhance an evening gown. Product Details Midnight blue short glass beaded tassel earrings. Clip backs with comfort pads. 3" long. Share Pin It Pearl Crystal Collar Necklace Stylist Notes Clusters of floral stones dot this Marchesa necklace. Product Details Silver plated delicate necklace with small pearl accents. Lobster clasp closure. 16" long. Share Pin It Pearl Post Drop Earrings Stylist Notes Pearl drops chic up these Marchesa earrings. Product Details Silver plated delicate earrings with pearl center accents. Post backs for pierced ears. 1.5" long. Share Pin It Petunia Stone Statement Necklace Stylist Notes Crystal clusters and floral accents make this Marchesa Jewelry necklace dramatic. Product Details Gold plated statement necklace with floral center detailing and pastel crystal stones. Lobster clasp closure. 16" long with 3" extender. Share Pin It Red Impatients Flower Drop Earrings Stylist Notes Add a bold accent to your look with these red dangling flower earrings by Oscar de la Renta. Product Details Glass beaded tassel earrings with luxurious georgette petals cast in poppy red. Clip backs with comfort pads. 4.75" long. Share Pin It Rose Patina Fancy That Necklace Stylist Notes Set in rose patina, the shimmering stones of this kate spade new york necklace are eye-catching. Product Details Rose gold plated necklace with rose patina glass stones. Lobster clasp closure. 12" long with a 3" extender. Share Pin It Silver Impatients Flower Drop Earrings Stylist Notes These silver floral drop earrings by Oscar de la Renta add luster. Product Details Glass beaded tassel earrings with luxurious georgette petals cast in metallic silver. Clip backs with comfort pads. 4.75" long. Share Pin It Silver Nokki Clutch Stylist Notes Opening Ceremony Accessories' silver clutch will give your look an electrifying touch. The hand-shaped clasp will add a hint of playfulness, too. Product Details Silver metallic leather clutch with iconic hand hardware that secures the top flap. Lined interior with 2 patch pockets. 7.75"H x 10.25"L. Share Pin It Slim Tonda Matte Metallic Lizard Minaudiere Stylist Notes Carry your evening essentials in style with this metallic lizard minaudiere by DVF Handbags. Product Details Granite matte metallic embossed leather minaudiere with gunmetal hardware. Three inside card slots and an inside slip pocket. Hidden chain strap with a 21" drop. 7.75"W X 4.5"H X 1.75"D. Share Pin It Trellis Blooms Double Ring Stylist Notes Add florals to your look with this double ring by kate spade new york. Product Details Shiny gold plated two finger ring with colorful Swarovski crystals and glass stone flowers. Sides on. Fits ring sizes 5-8. Share Pin It Trellis Blooms Open Hinge Cuff Stylist Notes Floral and eye-catching, this sparkling cuff by kate spade new york elevates a look. Product Details Shiny gold plated open cuff with colorful Swarovski crystals and glass stone flowers. Hinged back for easy wear. 7" in circumference. Share Pin Itdresses dresses store