วันจันทร์ที่ 16 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2560

Health and fitness with Tiffiny Hall


KIck-start the New Year with some fresh inspiration from our January 2017 cover model Tiffiny Hall. We chat to her about all things health, fitness and motivation.


The meaning of fitness for me is, well, fitness with meaning. You have to train with purpose. W eight loss and changing body shape isn't enough because weight comes and goes and body parts come in and out of fashion, like round bums. The deeper the meaning, the more powerful the motivation. For me, I train to be healthy, to live longer, to be the best I can be for my husband, to keep mentally and emotionally well and balanced and now that I'm at the age where I'm starting to think about kids, I'm training to be fit for pregnancy.


I've tried every fad diet out there. I've experimented on my body in so many ways, always seeking the magic fix that I could pass on to my students or clients, but diet after diet, I was always let down. Nothing works, except hard work. All my years in health and fitness tell me the key is to train the mind and the mind will train the body. Trying to remedy the body first never works, or it may work but only short term. I see so many women hating themselves, hating themselves slimmer, punishing themselves, feeling guilty. I've learned that you can't hate yourself healthy, you have to love yourself healthier. Self-love is sustainable, self-loathing is not. It's only when I began to truly accept myself, respect myself and ditch the diets that I've found consistency, balance and inner harmony. That's why I love the kiss and the hug, and created TIFFXO. Embracing self-love will heal and transform you. It's about throwing out the all-or-nothing attitude, and the toxic thought patterns of 'I'll be happy when I reach…', 'I don't deserve this'. Learn to give yourself a cuddle, forgive and move forward.


Food fashion, fads, myths – I've just had it with them! My clients always say to me, "But I've tried everything."

My response is always, "Have you tried one thing consistently, for 30 days?"

There is no magic. The magic is in you. Own your power, eat well, train consistently and have fun doing it and learn to zen. If you do this every day, your body will thank you and be in the best shape of its life! You are the gift to your body. We have to stop seeking outward illusions and realise that the power is in us.


There are tricks that can help us find our mojo, but what makes motivation stick is creating a habit, just like taking a shower or a good probiotic every single day. Some days you feel it – hell, yeah! Some days you don't – ah, well it has to be done anyway because you know you will feel phenomenal afterwards, and nobody has ever regretted a healthy meal or a workout. So for 30 days stick to something, give it meaning, make it realistic and be disciplined (sorry to use that boring word but it really does work). Motivation will get you there, but habits keep you going. I train every single day in some way, be it a stretch session or taekwondo, HIIT or tone…every day I move because I feel emotionally and mentally better for it.

Read Tiffiny's full cover story in the January 2017 edition of Women's Health and Fitness Magazine.

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