วันอาทิตย์ที่ 29 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2560

(สมัครทางไปรษณีย์ได้)กรมเจ้าท่า รับสมัครสอบบรรจุรับราชการ วุฒิ ป.ตรี 30ม.ค.-17ก.พ.60

กรมเจ้าท่า รับสมัครคัดเลือกเพื่อบรรจุและแต่งตั้งบุคคลเข้ารับราชการในตำแหน่งเจ้าพนักงานตรวจเรือปฏิบัติการ และตำแหน่งนายช่างเรือกลปฏิบัติการ 10 อัตรา เปิดรับสมัคร 30 ม.ค.-17 ก.พ.60 

คลิกที่นี่ เพื่อดาวน์โหลดไฟล์เอกสารรายละเอียดฉบับเต็มและใบสมัคร (รายละเอียดด้านล่างนี้เป็นเพียงรายละเอียดโดยย่อ) 








The post (สมัครทางไปรษณีย์ได้)กรมเจ้าท่า รับสมัครสอบบรรจุรับราชการ วุฒิ ป.ตรี 30ม.ค.-17ก.พ.60 appeared first on ThaiJobsGov.com.

การประปาส่วนภูมิภาค รับสมัครงานวุฒิ ป.ตรี บัดนี้-6ก.พ.60

การประปาส่วนภูมิภาค (กปภ.) รับสมัครบุคคลเข้ารับการคัดเลือกเพื่อเลือกจ้างเป็นลูกจ้างชั่วคราวรายเดือนปฏิบัติงาน ตำแหน่งเจ้าหน้าที่ประชาสัมพันธ์ สังกัดการประปาส่วนภูมิภาคเขต 1 เปิดรับสมัคร 27 ม.ค.-6 ก.พ.60

คลิกที่นี่ เพื่อดาวน์โหลดไฟล์เอกสารรายละเอียดฉบับเต็มและใบสมัคร





The post การประปาส่วนภูมิภาค รับสมัครงานวุฒิ ป.ตรี บัดนี้-6ก.พ.60 appeared first on ThaiJobsGov.com.

มณฑลทหารบกที่23 รับสมัครทหารกองหนุนสอบรับราชการเป็นนายทหารประทวน7-9ก.พ.60

มณฑลทหารบกที่ 23 รับสมัครทหารกองหนุน เพื่อสอบคัดเลือกบรรจุเข้ารับราชการเป็นนายทหารประทวน (อัตราสิบเอก) ประจำปีงบประมาณ 2560 จำนวน 2 อัตรา รับสมัคร 7-9 ก.พ.60 





The post มณฑลทหารบกที่23 รับสมัครทหารกองหนุนสอบรับราชการเป็นนายทหารประทวน7-9ก.พ.60 appeared first on ThaiJobsGov.com.

(สมัครทางไปรษณีย์ได้)องค์การสวนพฤกษศาสตร์ รับสมัครงานวุฒิ ป.โท บัดนี้-2 มี.ค.60

องค์การสวนพฤกษศาสตร์ รับสมัครบุคคลเพื่อคัดเลือกเข้าดำรงตำแหน่งผู้อำนวยการสวนพฤกษศาสตร์ วุฒิ ป.โททุกสาขา รับสมัครบัดนี้-2 มี.ค.60

คลิกที่นี่ เพื่อดาวน์โหลดใบสมัคร 





The post (สมัครทางไปรษณีย์ได้)องค์การสวนพฤกษศาสตร์ รับสมัครงานวุฒิ ป.โท บัดนี้-2 มี.ค.60 appeared first on ThaiJobsGov.com.

กรมบังคับคดี รับสมัครงานวุฒิ ป.ตรี เงินเดือน15,000 6-10ก.พ.60

กรมบังคับคดี โดยสำนักงานบังคับคดีจังหวัดระนอง รับสมัครคัดเลือกเพื่อจัดจ้างบุคคลเข้าปฏิบัติงานเป็นลูกจ้างชั่วคราว ตำแหน่งนักวิชาการเงินและบัญชี 1 อัตรา เงินเดือน 15,000 บาท 

คุณสมบัติเฉพาะ : ได้รับวุฒิ ป.ตรี หรือคุณวุฒิอย่างอื่นที่เทียบได้ในระดับเดียวกัน ในสาขาวิชาการบัญชี สาขาวิชาบริหารธุรกิจ และสาขาวิชาเศรษฐศาสตร์

ขอรับและยื่นใบสมัคร พร้อมเอกสารหลักฐานประกอบการสมัคร (ตามรายละเอียดในไฟล์เอกสารรายละเอียดฉบับเต็ม) ด้วยตนเองได้ที่ สำนักงานบังคับคดีจังหวัดระนอง เลขที่ 55/10 ถ.เพชรเกษม ต.บางชิ้น อ.เมือง จ.ระนอง ภายในวันที่ 6-10 ก.พ.60 ในวันและเวลาราชการ

คลิกที่นี่ เพื่อดาวน์โหลดไฟล์เอกสารรายละเอียดฉบับเต็ม 

The post กรมบังคับคดี รับสมัครงานวุฒิ ป.ตรี เงินเดือน15,000 6-10ก.พ.60 appeared first on ThaiJobsGov.com.

จังหวัดราชบุรี รับสมัครสอบเป็นพนักงานราชการ วุฒิ ป.ตรี/ป.โท บัดนี้-3ก.พ.60 เงินเดือน18,786

จังหวัดราชบุรี รับสมัครบุคคลเพื่อเลือกสรรเป็นพนักงานราชการทั่วไป ตำแหน่งพนักงานการเงินและบัญชี 1 อัตรา เงินเดือน 18,786 บาท

คุณสมบัติ : ได้รับวุฒิ ป.ตรี หรือ ป.โท หรือคุณวุฒิอย่างอื่นที่เทียบได้ไม่ต่ำกว่านี้ ในสาขาวิชาการบัญชี สาขาวิชาบริหารธุรกิจ หรือสาขาวิชาเศรษฐศาสตร์ หรือสาขาวิชาใดวิชาหนึ่งหรือหลายสาขาวิชาดังกล่าวข้างต้น มีความสามารถใช้เครื่องคอมพิวเตอร์ในการปฏิบัติงานได้ (โปรแกรม Microsoft word, excel, PowerPoint, และการใช้ Internet เป็นต้น)

ขอรับและยื่นใบสมัคร พร้อมเอกสารหลักฐานประกอบการสมัคร (ตามรายละเอียดในไฟล์เอกสารรายละเอียดฉบับเต็ม) ด้วยตนเองได้ที่ ห้องสำนักงานจังหวัดราชบุรี ชั้น 2 ศาลากลางจังหวัดราชบุรี อ.เมือง จ.ราชบุรี ภายในวันที่ 25 ม.ค.-3 ก.พ.60 ในวันและเวลาราชการ

คลิกที่นี่ เพื่อดาวน์โหลดไฟล์เอกสารรายละเอียดฉบับเต็ม

The post จังหวัดราชบุรี รับสมัครสอบเป็นพนักงานราชการ วุฒิ ป.ตรี/ป.โท บัดนี้-3ก.พ.60 เงินเดือน18,786 appeared first on ThaiJobsGov.com.

(ด่วน!สมัครออนไลน์)สถาบันวิจัยสังคม จุฬาฯ รับสมัครงานวุฒิ ป.ตรี บัดนี้-30ม.ค.60

สถาบันวิจัยสังคม จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย รับสมัครบุคคลสอบคัดเลือกเพื่อบรรจุเป็นพนักงานมหาวิทยาลัย หมวดเงินอุดหนุน ตำแหน่งเจ้าหน้าที่สำนักงาน (การเงิน) P7 จำนวน 1 อัตรา รับสมัครผ่านระบบออนไลน์ บัดนี้-30 ม.ค.60





The post (ด่วน!สมัครออนไลน์)สถาบันวิจัยสังคม จุฬาฯ รับสมัครงานวุฒิ ป.ตรี บัดนี้-30ม.ค.60 appeared first on ThaiJobsGov.com.

(ป.ตรีทุกสาขา)กรมการแพทย์ รับสมัครสอบเป็นพนักงานราชการ 30ม.ค.-10ก.พ.60

กรมการแพทย์ รับสมัครบุคคลเพื่อเลือกสรรเป็นพนักงานราชการทั่วไป ปฏิบัติงานที่สถาบันสิรินธรเพื่อการฟื้นฟูสมรรภาพทางการแพทย์แห่งชาติ ตำแหน่งนักวิเคราะห์นโยบายและแผน 1 อัตรา เงินเดือน 18,000 บาท

– ได้รับวุฒิ ป.ตรีทุกสาขา
– มีทักษะในการใช้โปรแกรมคอมพิวเตอร์ในงานได้อย่างมีประสิทธิภาพ
– มีทักษะในการนำภาษาอังกฤษมาใช้งาน

ขอและยื่นใบสมัคร พร้อมเอกสารหลักฐานประกอบการสมัคร (ตามรายละเอียดในไฟล์เอกสารรายละเอียดฉบับเต็ม) ด้วยตนเองได้ที่ ฝ่ายทรัพยากรบุคคล ชั้น 2 อาคารอำนวยการ สถาบันสิรินธรเพื่อการฟื้นฟูสมรรภาพทางการแพทย์แห่งชาติ ภายในวันที่ 30 ม.ค.-10 ก.พ.60 ในวันและเวลาราชการ

คลิกที่นี่ เพื่อดาวน์โหลดไฟล์เอกสารรายละเอียดฉบับเต็ม

The post (ป.ตรีทุกสาขา)กรมการแพทย์ รับสมัครสอบเป็นพนักงานราชการ 30ม.ค.-10ก.พ.60 appeared first on ThaiJobsGov.com.

(ด่วน!)กรมบังคับคดี รับสมัครงานวุฒิ ปวช/ปวส/ป.ตรี บัดนี้-1ก.พ.60

สำนักงานบังคับคดีจังหวัดนครราชสีมา รับสมัครสอบเพื่อจัดจ้างบุคคลเข้าปฏิบัติงานเป็นลูกจ้างชั่วคราว 6 อัตรา คุณวุฒิ ปวช./ปวส./ป.ตรี ผู้สนใจสมัคร ขอรับและยื่นใบสมัคร พร้อมเอกสารหลักฐานประกอบการสมัคร (ตามรายละเอียดในไฟล์เอกสารรายละเอียดฉบับเต็ม คลิกที่นี่ เพื่อดาวน์โหลดไฟล์เอกสาร) ด้วยตนเองได้ที่ สำนักงานบังคับคดีจังหวัดนครราชสีมา เลขที่ 260/1-2 ถ.มหาดไทย ต.ในเมือง อ.เมือง จ.นครราชสีมา ภายในวันที่ 26 ม.ค.-1 ก.พ.60 ในวันและเวลาราชการ





The post (ด่วน!)กรมบังคับคดี รับสมัครงานวุฒิ ปวช/ปวส/ป.ตรี บัดนี้-1ก.พ.60 appeared first on ThaiJobsGov.com.

(15อัตรา สมัครออนไลน์)กรมพินิจฯ รับสมัครสอบเป็นพนักงานราชการ วุฒิ ปวส.30ม.ค.-5ก.พ.60

กรมพินิจคุ้มครองเด็กและเยาวชน รับสมัครบุคคลเพื่อเลือกสรรเป็นพนักงานราชการทั่วไป ในสังกัดกรมพินิจคุ้มครองเด็กและเยาวชน คุณวุฒิ ปวส. 15 อัตรา ผู้สนใจสมัคร โปรดอ่านรายละเอียดให้ครบถ้วน แล้วสมัครทางเว็บไซต์ http://djop.thaijobjob.com ภายในวันที่ 30 ม.ค.-6 ก.พ.60 ตลอด 24 ชั่วโมง ไม่เว้นวันหยุดราชการ

คลิกที่นี่ เพื่อดาวน์โหลดไฟล์เอกสารรายละเอียดฉบับเต็ม 7 หน้า (รายละเอียดด้านล่างเป็นเพียงรายละเอียดบางส่วน)




The post (15อัตรา สมัครออนไลน์)กรมพินิจฯ รับสมัครสอบเป็นพนักงานราชการ วุฒิ ปวส.30ม.ค.-5ก.พ.60 appeared first on ThaiJobsGov.com.

ด่วน!กระทรวงทรัพยากรธรรมชาติฯ รับสมัครงานวุฒิ ปวช/ป.ตรี บัดนี้-2ก.พ.60

กระทรวงทรัพยากรธรรมชาติและสิ่งแวดล้อม โดยสำนักงานทรัพยากรธรรมชาติและสิ่งแวดล้อมจังหวัดตรัง รับสมัครบุคลเพื่อสรรหาเป็นลูกจ้างชั่วคราวรายเดือน 4 อัตรา คุณวุฒิ ปวช./ป.ตรี เปิดรับสมัคร 27 ม.ค.-2 ก.พ.60 




The post ด่วน!กระทรวงทรัพยากรธรรมชาติฯ รับสมัครงานวุฒิ ปวช/ป.ตรี บัดนี้-2ก.พ.60 appeared first on ThaiJobsGov.com.

7 tips for workout success

Fitness trainer Nikki Fogden-Moore shares her tips for workout success.

1.    Find exercises you love
2.    Mix up the order of things
3.    Take your gym outdoors
4.    Bring a friend and put an interval timer on your phone
5.    Pump up the sounds
6.    Be grateful that you're able to plan and create the body and the life you want. Gratitude for where you are at now is integral to getting to where you want to be. If you are constantly telling yourself you're not fit, healthy and happy enough, it will manifest. Focus on the positive.
7.    REALLY commit to a healthy mind as well as a healthy workout regime.

Psssst...a bonus tip that always works:
Add your focus for each session so you go in with a game plan. The exercises can all be the same but it's your approach and attitude towards the session that will make the difference!

Image by: Sam Frysteen

Read on for more workout tips to become the best version of yourself.



How to reduce fluid retention


Do you suffer from bloating and puffiness? Fluid retention could be the culprit and here's how you can naturally prevent it.

According to naturopath Rebekah Russell from Blackmores Australia, the following may help reduce fluid retention:

Dandelion leaf: This has been used traditionally for hundreds of years for its diuretic action. It can be enjoyed as a tea.

Vitamin B6: This may help relieve fluid retention and other symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, including breast tenderness, mood changes, irritability and fatigue.

A broad-spectrum multivitamin: This ensures you meet the daily requirements of vitamins such as B1 (thiamine), B6, B5, D3, and the mineral calcium. These nutrients all aid body processes that are important for removing excess fluid.

Grape seed extract: Studies show this can help in the management of fluid retention associated with venous insufficiency, premenstrual syndrome, and the use of hormonal replacement therapy (HRT). It also helps relieve fluid retention, heaviness, pain and itching of the legs.

Ginkgo biloba: This is traditionally used to improve peripheral circulation (to the legs and other extremities), so it can be beneficial for people who experience fluid retention as a symptom of varicose veins.

NEXT: Fuel your body for exercise.



A day in the life of Emily Skye


We chat to our January cover model, Emily Skye about what she loves about exercising, how she relaxes and a day in her shoes.


I love how exercising makes me feel – mentally and physically. When you reach a point where you're happy with your fitness level, you can just maintain it, which is a lot easier than when you're starting. I encourage people to think of this when they feel like giving up. I love training my legs and glutes because it's always challenging and has me almost crawling out of the gym – I love that feeling! My favourite exercises are squats, deadlifts, lunges, glute lunges, step-ups, glute bridges, hip thrusts, glute kickbacks and crab walks with an exercise band. Listening to Bullet for My Valentine, Three Days Grace, Alter Bridge, Taylor Swift and Beyoncé motivates me.


I've learned that my body is incredible, smart and strong – provided I eat nutritious food and exercise. I eat food that provides my body with enough protein, fats and carbs and plenty of vitamins and minerals; I don't worry about counting calories or macros. I eat lots of fresh organic vegetables – leafy greens, salmon and blueberries are some of my favourite foods that are anti-inflammatory and full of nutrients. Breakfast and lunch are usually fish or chicken and vegies, dinner might be brown rice or vegies and chicken curry and in the evening I have a green smoothie.


To step back from the crazy pace, I'll turn off my phone and laptop and go for a walk, visit the steam room, lie on the beach or get a coffee or herbal tea and relax. When I'm my most relaxed and happiest is actually when I'm at the gym training as it takes my mind off everything.


There is no typical day in my life anymore! I wake up, eat and get into creating content; I take photos, film workouts, film motivational videos, write posts, reply to comments on my social media pages, etc. I'll usually then touch base with my team and discuss upcoming campaigns and products for my business before lunch.Next I'll meet with my manager and we'll go over upcoming press, partnerships and travel; I usually fly somewhere once a week. Then I go to the gym, come home and have dinner and try to relax in the steam room for 20 minutes. I do more work at night and wind down by watching TV or a movie. I will usually do some stretches before responding to as many people as I can across my pages before going to bed




Jess Sepel's FebFast tips


We chat to clinical nutritionist Jess Sepel on how to stay on track this FebFast - are you up for the challenge?


The festive season is over, the January hangover has slowly subsided and it's time to rekindle the healthy routine you've been avoiding so far in 2016.

Lacking motivation? The annual Febfast event encourages a month-long pause from alcohol and sugar, while raising money for underprivileged youth. Enter as a team or go it alone; just use it as an opportunity to give your body a break from the vino and the sweets for a good cause.

We spoke to clinical nutritionist and all-round health guru Jess Sepel to get her tips and tricks on how to stay on track for the challenge.

Stay hydrated

Make sure you're drinking your two litres of water every day. If this isn't exciting enough for you, swap to a few glasses of sparkling water with fresh lemon or lime, or freeze your favourite fruits into ice cubes and pop them in your drink. Not only is this refreshing on a hot day, but the fruit infuses as the ice melts for the sweetener taste (minus the calories).

Eat your protein

Protein keeps you fuller for longer, and it doesn't necessarily have to come in the form of red meat, chicken or eggs. Potatoes, chia seeds, green peas and rice are examples of foods also high in protein.

Snack pre-party

Have a satiating snack before you head out to a celebratory event so that you don't find yourself starving and turning to foods you wouldn't normally eat. My favourite snack options before heading out are hummus and vegie sticks, coconut yoghurt or Greek yoghurt topped with berries and sugar-free granola, or chopped apple with almond butter.

Be balanced

If you do indulge, don't feel it has to be an 'all or nothing' affair. Let yourself enjoy a few treats occasionally and remember that your body can handle unhealthy foods in small amounts. Trust yourself.

Get active

Use Febfast as an opportunity to wake up early on the weekend and go for a run, practice yoga outside as the sun rises or even just take the dog for a stroll around the block. Physical activity in the morning before you start your day will kick start your endorphins and leave you feeling awake and energised.

Prioritise your health

Prioritise your physical and mental wellbeing by making a conscious decision to balance your fun – enjoy activities that aren't centred on drinking or alcohol. Go to brunch with your besties, take a walk along the coast with your family or have a booze-free picnic.

Register and find out more today.

NEXT: Find out how alcohol affects you.




Do vitamins boost your workouts?


If you think that vitamins, particularly antioxidants such as A, C and E help maximise your workouts, think again.

There's emerging evidence that antioxidant supplements may adversly effect:

Insulin benefits of exercise
"One previous small study found that trained and untrained people who dose up on antioxidant supplements impair important exercise training adaptations such as improved insulin sensitivity and production of special proteins that actually help defend the body against oxidative stress caused by exercise," says Tim Crowe, Associate Professor in the School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences at Deakin University and founder of Thinking Nutrition.

Oxidative stress during and after a workout
"Now researchers have extended this study by looking at the effect of antioxidants in trained female runners," says Crowe. "The study, which was published in the European Journal of Sports Science, found that when blood was measured, the markers that indicated oxidative stress were found to actually be higher in those taking the vitamin C." Though it is not clear why, it is yet more proof that we don't really understand how supplements may work differently to food in our bodies, nor are we really across the many different lifestyle impacts supplements may have on everything from sleep and stress to exercise.

Image: Thinkstock


NEXT: Check out our guide to supplements to discover the scoop.



6 ways to beat cravings


Retrain your brain to decrease those unwanted cravings with these 6 tips.


If your food choices disappoint your tastebuds, you're more likely to resort to an unhealthy sweet treat to make up for feeling deprived. Here's how you can reduce those hunger pangs.

1. Choose low-GI foods

"Foods with a lower glycaemic index (GI) of 55 or less are more slowly digested, absorbed and metabolised and cause a lower and slower rise in blood glucose and insulin levels," says Melanie McGrice, accredited dietitian and director of Nutrition Plus clinics in Melbourne. "Low-GI foods also help you feel more sated after a meal and reduce risk of weight gain and conditions like diabetes." Every day, aim to eat five serves or more of fresh vegetables and two of fruit plus wholegrains and some lean protein at every meal.

2. 'Healthify' takeaway meals with homecooked makeovers

Prepare homemade burgers with wholemeal buns and stacks of salad vegetables. Make fish and chips but grill the fish and bake large pototo wedges with a dash of olive oil.

3. Downsize your utensils

"Eating soup from a teaspoon or risotto from a small entrée fork encourages slower eating, so you feel more full and satisfied after a meal," says McGrice. Chopsticks also encourage smaller mouthfuls.

4. Mix it up

Rigid, restrictive food regimes substantially reduce our pleasure of eating, are often nutritionally unsound and increase the risk of cravings and 'all or nothing' thinking about food. The Dietitians Association of Australia recommends aiming to eat 20 different nutritious foods every day.

5. Top 'n' tail

Roberts calls this method the 'sandwich' technique. "You put a moderate portion of a high-kilojoule food in the middle of a meal with lower kilojoule foods that are high in fibre and protein at the beginning and end," she explains. This makes you feel you've been at a banquet. Soups make good starters and salads are a nice crispy third course.

6. Don't blow off breakfast

Eat some filling slow-cooked porridge or eggs and dark rye toast. People who skip breakfast tend to have lower dopamine levels, shows research from the University of Missouri. This may explain why they are also more likely to crave sweet or savoury food later in the day.

Words by Stephanie Osfield

NEXT: Find out how to spot false food cravings.




Top spa retreats around Australia


Let us take you on a tour of beauty around Australia this Valentine's Day.

spa-retreats-australia-Peppers-Cradle-Mountain-Lodge-Women's Health and Fitness magazine

Whether you fancy a cut and polish or want to reset in a luxe retreat admist Balinese gardens, we've found a spa to suit.

 Tour of Beauty AustraliaVictoria


 Tour of Beauty AustraliaNew South Wales


 Tour of beauty AustraliaQueenland


 Tour of beauty AustraliaACT


 Tour of beauty Australia South Australia


 Tour of beauty AustraliaTasmania


 Tour of beauty AustraliaWestern Australia


NEXT >> Check out our beauty section for all your health and beauty tips.




Must-visit spa retreats in Victoria, Australia

Want to escape the city buzz or relax in exclusive inner city getaways? There's plenty to experience in Victoria.



Spa de Marrakech

The place: A traditional Moroccan bathhouse in Victoria's picturesque Yarra Valley. There's a steam temple, and treatments include colour therapy sessions, aromatherapy massage, radiant facials and exquisite dining. At the centre, you'll find a Roman bathhouse where guests can relax in hot mineral spring water. It's the perfect setting for a girls' getaway, romantic couples retreat or solo R 'n' R.

The experience: After your aromatherapy massage or facial, indulge your tastebuds with a Moroccan feast comprising tagines, pastries, harira soup and Persian love cakes prepared by the in-house chef.

Details: 14 Mountain Crescent, Montrose, (03) 9737 0413

Lavanya Day Spa

The place: Whether you spend an hour or half a day at Lavanya Day Spa, your experience is sure to be second to none. Nestled inside the award-winning Captains Retreat B&B, Lavanya will have you feeling deeply relaxed the moment you walk through their door. With a penchant for premium quality and local ingredients, the treatments are good for the body, soul and planet.

The experience: Indulge with their signature Paprika Power facial and full body massage and escape for two hours into a haze. Paprika stimulates the natural circulation in the skin, working to detoxify, oxygenate and rejuvenate.

Details: 2 Ferguson St, Williamstown, (03) 9681 9587


Peninsula Hot Springs

The place: Soak up the tranquil bushland surrounds and fresh air at Peninsula Hot Springs, Australia's first natural geo-thermal springs. There are 20 different bathing experiences with both a social bathhouse area and secluded private area for chill-out time. Add on a luxurious treatment – from facials and salt scrubs to hot stone treatments and body wraps – inspired by traditional Aboriginal ingredients and techniques. You'll quickly edge your way closer to inner zen.

The experience: The hour-long Mala Mapi treatment begins with an aromatic oil massage and desert salt exfoliation followed by a warm silky and mineral-rich Mapi mud mask and de-stressing scalp massage.

Details: Springs Lane, Fingal, (03) 5950 8777

Norbu Urban Retreat at The Olsen Hotel

The place: In the award-winning Olsen Hotel, Norbu Urban Retreat is a holistic wellness centre that integrates luxuriant treatments with an extensive range of health and wellness options. All treatments are designed to boost circulation, increase oxygenation to optimise organ function and remove toxins.

The experience: Try the signature Berry Refined Firming Peel by Eminence. The exfoliation aids greater penetration and absorption of the actives, with a yummy fruit cocktail of blueberries, raspberries and blackberries infusing the skin with antioxidants to tighten tissue. After one exfoliating treatment, your expression lines appear relaxed, skin is glowing, texture is smoother and skin is plumped.

Details: Mezzanine, The Olsen, 637 Chapel Street, South Yarra, (03) 9040 1199


NEXT >> 6 must-have beauty products for your gym bag!




Australian spa retreats in New South Wales


From resorts and spas, to lifestyle and beauty retreats, find an escape at one of these top locations in New South Wales, Australia.


Nature's Energy

The place: Everything is based on earthy elements at Nature's Energy in Sydney's Balmain. The spa baths are surrounded by dark cobbled stones, creating an experience akin to being in a secluded rainforest. Just leave the kids at home.

The experience: Book yourself in for an indulgent massage with hydrating, sweet-smelling products such as shea butter and coconut, sunflower and jojoba oil. Your skin feels amazing after! They also perform massages tailored to expectant mothers and sports professionals.

Details: 312 Darling Street, Balmain, (02) 9555 5533

Pañpuri Organic Spa

The place: Pañpuri Organic Spa combines traditional Indonesian and Cambodian influences with a truly modern feel. Walk in from the street, entering through wooden, black-lacquered doors into a peaceful haven. Everything is organic, from the welcome tea and bathrobes to the cotton buds and slippers. Sharon Stone and Richard Gere are regular clients at Pañpuri in Bali and Spain, so you're in good company.

The experience: The Mali Moonlight Massage, which is a combination of traditional Thai massage, aromatherapy, reiki and acupressure techniques. The perfect antidote to those tiresome back knots. A dip in the hydrotherapy bath and steam room are also a must.

Details: 55 Miller Street, Pyrmont, (02) 9660 1916



Byron at Byron Resort & Spa

The place: Want total mind, body and soul regeneration? At Byron at Byron Resort & Spa, there are six luxurious treatment rooms specialising in several signature relaxation, renewal and results-focused treatments. All treatments encompass native Australian ingredients, such as macadamia nut and fragonia, for a distinctive Byron Bay feel. At the resort, there's also reflexology, naturopathic consultations, tarot card readings, acupuncture and daily yoga classes to while away the day.

The experience: The uber-indulgent Cypress Sojourn, which is $370 for three hours of bliss, is the ultimate face and body therapy, commencing with an invigorating body brush followed by a relaxing full-body aromatic massage. You're then treated to a Pevonia facial, manicure and pedicure, including an aromatic salt footbath and massage.

Details: 77–97 Broken Head Road, Byron Bay, (02) 6639 2110

Gaia Lifestyle Retreat

The place: Gaia was launched by Olivia Newton-John and her interior designer friend Gregg Cave in 2005. Located in the lush, emerald-green hinterland of Byron Bay, this soul-soothing hippy hangout is your much-needed weekend reprieve from deadlines, to-do lists and the stresses of work and city life. Everything at Gaia works to detox the mind and body, from the psychic readings and balancing therapies to the spa treatments and menu. Daily activities such as yoga and tai chi are also thrown into the experience. Oprah is reportedly a fan.

The experience: The treatments draw on massage and healing techniques from around the world. The most ludicrously indulgent is the Gaia Goddess (or Gaia Man) which involves four-and-a-half hours of pure luxe, including a body polish and massage, mask, scalp massage, facial, hand and foot treatment with locally made organic products. If you want to try something different, opt for the Esoteric Breast Massage. By far the most 'hippie' treatment on the menu, it focuses on restoring 'nurturing honour' to the fairer sex.

Details: 933 Fernleigh Road, Brooklet, (02) 6687 1216



NEXT >> 6 must-have beauty products for your gym bag!





Beauty escapes around Queensland, Australia


Experience a true Balinese spa escape at these top spa retreats in Queensland, Australia.



Ikatan Balinese Day Spa

The place: Voted best destination spa in Australia, Ikatan Balinese Day Spa is set on an acreage just a few minutes outside of Noosa. Truly tranquil, it boasts gorgeous Balinese gardens and villa-style treatment rooms that truly embrace nature – slightly redolent of a traditional Balinese village. Set deep within the trees, their air-conditioned treatment rooms and open-air pavilions are mini paradises within a paradise. You feel deeply relaxed almost straight away.

The experience: Go all out with a Retreat Day Package, which includes yoga, meditation, meals and spa treatments. Alternatively, opt for the Kharma Rejuvenation Package which includes a coconut scrub and skin wrap followed by an hour-long Balinese massage and personalised anti-ageing facial, ending with lunch and tea in the garden, and a deluxe pedicure.

Details: 46 Grays Road, Doonan, (07) 5471 1199

One Wybelenna Day Spa

The place: Located in Brookfield, 20 minutes from Brisbane's CBD, One Wybelenna offers a range of sublime treatments such as the deluxe chocolate scrub, crystal and pearl elixir for face and body, and a Padabhyang Indian foot and leg massage. The architecturally designed space features stunning gardens, a lap pool and spa and multiple lounging areas designed to complement the subtropical climate.


The experience: The Crystal and Pearl Elixir treatment is a combined face and body therapy using extracts of precious stones and minerals to energise and firm the skin. All-over body exfoliation merges with an exquisite massage for silken smoothness. Crystals are placed on the body's seven chakra points to restore energy levels to balance while a Pearl Noir Facial uses black pearls – said to have powerful anti-ageing effects. 120 minutes, $325.

Details: 1 Wybelenna Street, Brookfield, (07) 3878 7549


Gwinganna Lifestyle Retreat

The place: A weekend spent at Gwinganna in Tallebudgera will leave you relaxed, revived and re-energised. Nestled in the lush Gold Coast hinterlands, Gwinganna offers everything from yoga to tai chi classes, naturopathic consultations to detox body wraps – even surfing lessons. Whatever you need to unwind. You may just run into Hugh Jackman there.

The experience: Why not make a week of it and try the seven-day Gwinganna detox package? You don't have to be a health nut to appreciate the freshly prepared organic meals, spa treatments and lifestyle workshops. A thoroughly enriching mind, body and soul experience.

Details: 192 Syndicate Road, Tallebudgera, 1800 219 272

Daintree Eco Lodge and Spa

The place: All treatments take place in a truly healing environment – the heart of the Daintree Rainforest – for maximum relaxation. Feel the natural vitality of the surrounds. The treatments integrate the wisdom of ancient cultures and medicines, spirituality and healing, preserving indigenous traditions.

The experience: The Walbul-Walbul ('Butterfly') treatment sees you melt away with a drizzling of warm oil and a sprinkling of desert salt. Enjoy a luxurious massage and exfoliation before being cocooned in warm and nourishing mud. The treatment's based on the caterpillar's transition into a beautiful butterfly. Immersed in the ancient rainforest, and with the soothing sounds of the waterfall as your soundtrack, you'll feel one with nature in no time.

Details: 3189 Mossman-Daintree Road, Daintree, (07) 4098 6100



NEXT >> 6 must-have beauty products for your gym bag!




Spa and beauty retreats in Australian Capital Territory


Treat yourself at one of these beautiful escapes in the nations capital, Australian Capital Territory and let your body heal and relax.


Geranium Day Spa For Women

The place: This picturesque bush retreat for women is perfect for a getaway with your favourite lady pals, or by yourself if you're partied out or just need to reflect and relax. The day spa, situated just 30 minutes outside of Canberra, is sustainable; meaning every drop of water is recycled and directed back toward their gorgeous gardens and tree-planting program.

The experience: Geranium House's detox spa package — a two-hour body buffet including litho-cal body peel, detox-thalasso body wrap, and aromatherapy massage.

Details: 154 Fairview Road, Springrange, (02) 6230 9220


Live Well Spa and Wellness Centre

The place: Get back in touch with your spiritual self and allow your body to heal and relax at Live Well. Located in a restored heritage building, this holistic wellness centre amalgamates luxury treatments and cutting-edge complementary medicine including acupuncture, naturopathy, remedial massage and osteopathy.

The experience: Splendour, a delightfully indulgent treatment that includes a full-body relaxation or remedial massage, 'Juice Blend' customised facial and time in the recovery pod with a hot herbal tea in hand.

Details: 35 Murray Crescent, Manuka, (02) 6295 0400

NEXT >> 6 must-have beauty products for your gym bag!




South Australian spa retreats


For secluded locations and breathtaking scenery, relax your body and soul at one of these spa retreats in South Australia.


Southern Ocean Lodge

The place: Due to its truly secluded location, perched high on a cliff top, you can only access the treatment rooms via a boardwalk through the coastal flora. Once you reach your private oasis, admire the view, rewind and relax, soaking up the sounds of waves crashing in the background.

The experience: Their Ligurian Honey and Almond Wrap features ingredients that are locally produced. The 90-minute treatment begins with a Bay of Shoals mineral salt exfoliation before you're wrapped in a cocoon of nourishing honey and almonds. You're then treated to a massage using essential oil sourced from around the island, and a spritz of fragrant wild rosella flower mist.

Details: Hanson Bay Road, Kingscote, (02) 9918 4355

Kangaroo Island Health Retreat

The place: Want your spa treatments served up alongside spectacular scenery, wildlife and locally produced gourmet food? Book yourself a stay at the world-renowned Kangaroo Island Health Retreat. This empowering, educating and healing experience will leave you totally refreshed by the time you return home.

The experience: One of their signature multi-day programs includes a health assessment, daily mentoring, yoga, pilates, meals and cooking classes, plus massage treatments, nutrition lectures and a post-program follow-up.

Details: 227 Bates Road, Emu Bay, Kangaroo Island, (08) 8553 5374

NEXT >> 6 must-have beauty products for your gym bag!




Top Tasmanian spa retreats to visit

For locals and visitors alike, experience a spa retreat like no other at one of these breathtaking locations in Tasmania, Australia.

Waldheim Alpine Spa At Peppers Cradle Mountain Lodge

The place: The spa well and truly makes the most of its spectacular location, overlooking the Cradle Mountain and its ancient forests, snow-capped pine trees and crisp mountain streams. Drop in and ease your body after a day of bushwalking in the mountains.

The experience: There are many luxurious face and body treatments on offer, each using completely natural Tasmanian-made skincare products. Revel in treatments like Highland Healing, where your therapist will customise a 60-minute full-body massage, relieving tension in your weary legs and shoulders.

Details: 4038 Cradle Mountain Road, Cradle Mountain, (03) 6492 2100

Harmony Hill Wellness & Organic Spa Retreat

The place: This 42-acre bush retreat, perched high in the hills above Hobart, draws on both Eastern and Western therapies. There are three treatment rooms, a sauna and a hot tub. Their skilled therapists will assess your condition holistically, drawing on their knowledge of Ayurvedic medicine and Asian philosophies to advise you on a rebalancing treatment.  

The experience: The five-night detox retreat, including daily yoga and meditation, massages and healing treatments including reflexology.

Details: 210 Old Bernies Road, Margate, (03) 6294 8177



NEXT >> 6 must-have beauty products for your gym bag!







Spa retreats in Western Australia


Holistic health and wellbeing experiences awaits at these top spa retreats in Western Australia.

Indijup Spa Retreat

The place: A spa retreat surrounded by national parkland, sprawling vineyards and unspoiled beaches. There are 10 luxurious villas, each with a private plunge pool overlooking a secluded beach. As well as massages, they deal in invigorating sea salt scrubs, clay body masks and detoxing baths infused with Australian native ingredients such as juniper berry, cypress and lemon myrtle.

The experience: Rather than choose a specific treatment, go in for a private consultation. The gently handed, highly skilled staff will design a treatment experience especially for you.

Details: 1 Cape Clairault Road, Yallingup, (08) 9750 1300

Kalyaana SPA & Wellness Retreat

The place: This tiny boutique sanctuary with an annexed spa for guests caps its guest list at four, creating an intimate experience amid five tranquil acres of gardens including a kitchen garden and sensory herb garden.

The experience: If you want a holistic health and wellbeing experience with delicious cuisine, extensive therapies and healing modalities, rejuvenating treatments and luxurious home comforts, this is it.  

Details: Lot 705 Maslin Street, Bridgetown, (08) 9761 1420

NEXT >> 6 must-have beauty products for your gym bag!




Detoxing: the good, the bad and the informative


Before you jump on the detox bandwagon, it's important to look into the potential side affects to a full body cleanse. Here, the experts help us unpack the pros and cons to this weight loss phenomenon.


Starving yourself is not the way to go

Most detoxes promote a reduced calorie intake, which can quickly turn into starvation mode. According to GP Dr Fran Bruce of Wesley LifeShape Clinic, most detoxes are "low in protein which can result in fatigue, dehydration, light headedness, headaches, mood swings and constipation.

Our bodies are capable of detoxing on their own

As our liver and kidneys work together to remove toxins from our systems, our bodies naturally go through a detoxification phase. If you're thinking laxatives are the way to go, think again. Unless discussed with a medical practitioner, they can lead to some serious complications down the track, says Gastroenterologist, Dr Phillip Chang.

Detoxing is not a quick fix

Although detoxing can promote fat loss, this weight loss isn't always fat loss. "You can expect to lose weight, but mainly due to water and muscle loss after depriving your body of essential nutrients such as protein, says Dietitian Lyndi Polivnick.

Before you ditch the idea of the detox, there are ways to healthily cleanse your body.

Fuel your body with wholesome goodness

There's even more reason to head to the fresh food aisle of your supermarket because the most simple detox tactic is to avoid highly processed foods, says Dr Bruce. Avoid "foods that are high in fats and sugar, reduce your alcohol intake (if it exceeds the recommended guidelines) and limit caffeine consumption for a week or so." Keep those energy levels high with nutrient dense wholefoods.  

Go green

While most detoxes miss the mark on fibre and protein, get more from "natural, minimally process foods such as fruit, leafy green vegetables (cabbage or kale) and psyllium (natural insoluble fibre)" in you, says Dr Chang.

Don't detox for the long haul

When it comes to intense detoxes, short term is better than long term, says Polivnick. Opt for raw foods rather than juices to help out with your fibre intake and befriend water. Lots of it. "Supercharge your body's natural ability to clear toxins…drink plenty of water, get exercising," she says.

A little evaluation never hurt anyone

If you're looking to reassess your habits, you can benefit from a process of elimination. Stewart suggests, eliminating 'all animal protein products including eggs," which can slow down the detoxing process. The Liver Cleansing Diet focuses on high quality nutrients including veggies, fruits, grains, nuts and seeds, which are important for your metabolism.

Full article by Hannah Blamey, featured in the January edition of Women's Health and Fitness Magazine.




Finding the right meditation style for you


The key to finding the right style of meditation that suits you, is defining the reason why you're meditating in the first place and your purpose.


To do that, you need to find a style that suits your goal, whether it is to find calm or discover clear thinking to reducing pain or connecting with the world, says mediation teacher and counsellor Nadine Cameron.

Here are a few meditation styles to kick-start your journey:


Also known as vipassana, is the most popular form in the Western world. It's about 'being present' and letting your mind run. It's not recommended for those with pre-existing mental illness or emotional difficulty because spending too much time in your head can do more harm than good.


As the generic term for seated meditation in the Buddhist tradition this is a minimal kind of meditation, done for long periods of time. There's little focus on breath and with little guidance it can be hard to learn.

Transcendental meditation

Put simply, you sit with your back straight (ideally in the lotus or half-lotus posture) and repeat a mantra. It's a simplified version from the non-dual Hindu paradigm Vedanta.


Also from Vedanta, the aim of this style is to become aware of a rising stream, which you ride to infinity through concentration on breath. Be weary though, this can have lead to the Kundalini syndrome, where people become hypersensitive to touch, light and sounds.

NEXT: Discover the benefits of meditation.




The importance of sleep


If you want to give yourself a better chance of avoiding the curveballs, prioritise sleep.

Clocking less than six hours of sleep per night compromises the brain's ability to regulate emotions, making it that much harder to deal.

And it only takes one night of insufficient sleep to make you vulnerable to meltdowns according to a new Tel Aviv University study that identified the neurological mechanism responsible for disturbed emotion regulation and increased anxiety due to sleep debt.

In effect, the brain loses its ability to discern between what is and isn't important, reported The Journal of Neuroscience.

Hannah Bailey shows us eight ways to improve your sleep:


Ditch the macchiato, doughnut and laksa.
"Avoid caffeine in the afternoon and avoid large quantities of food, particularly heavy fatty foods, immediately prior to sleep that may make you feel uncomfortable and prevent sleep," Dr Eckert says. If you suffer reflux, avoid spicy foods, as when you lie down it may come back to bite you.

Order a mocktail
A couple of vinos may feel like they usher you backstage at lala land, but the sleep you have when you get there is likely to be flawed. "Alcohol prior to sleep can impair sleep quality, cause snoring and in some cases lead to sleep apnoea, and should be avoided," Dr Eckert says.

Move your workouts
Vigorous exercise just before bed can impair sleep, but Dr Eckert says that exercise at other times is actually a sleep aid. "It is associated with increased levels of slow-wave (deep) sleep."

Switch off
Working back at the office or with your laptop on the couch can hijack your sleep routine. "Overly stimulating activities prior to sleep can make it difficult to fall asleep and should be avoided," Dr Eckert says. Likewise detailed tasks.  "Maintaining a regular sleep routine that includes avoiding these types of activities immediately prior to sleep is ideal." Exorcise the bedroom of any screens, Eckert advises. According to a 2012 Harvard Health Letter, blue wavelengths from fluorescent lightbulbs, LED lights and computer and iPad screens wreak greater havoc than white light on melatonin. In an experiment, blue light suppressed melatonin for around twice as long as green light. Red light, on the other hand, had the mildest effect on melatonin.

Dim the lights
According to the National Sleep Foundation, bright light inhibits the release of 'sleep hormone' melatonin, which can only be stimulated in a dimly lit environment. Any bright light can prevent the release of melatonin, preventing the onset of sleep. If you can't block 100 per cent of light, Eckert advocates using a sleep mask to mimic a dark sleeping environment.

Pull the blinds
Skip diaphanous window dressings – however romantic – and go for a heavy fabric or blinds that completely block light. The first exposure to light in the morning activates a part of your brain called the supra-chiasmatic nucleus according to the National Sleep Foundation. That means processes associated with being awake crank into gear, calling a premature end to quality sleep.

Snuggle up
Sleep temperature is integral to the quality of shut-eye. UniSA's Centre for Sleep Research revealed that that normal initiation of sleep demands a core body temperature drop. Ordinarily, the body automatically turns down its heat dial about 90 minutes before sleep, while insomniacs who find it hard to nod off tend to maintain a higher body temperature. While your body should regulate its own degrees, a hot or frigid room can mess with the process. Eckert says the ideal room temperature for sleep is 22 degrees Celsius. If you use an electric blanket to take the chill off your sheets, turn it off before falling asleep.

Luxe your crib
You can call high thread-count sheets a health expense. While they're not a magic sleeping pill, Eckert says good bed linen complements other measures to maximise comfort, including temperature regulation.

NEXT: Lack of sleep not only impacts on your brain function, it also kills your beauty buzz.




5 ways to promote a healthy brain


A healthy brain is an important aspect to a healthy body. Reflect, play, rest, move and mingle to promote brain health.



Meditation improves memory, increases brain size, improves cooperation between brain hemispheres and enhances emotional intelligence according to the Exploration of Consciousness Research Institute. A separate study published in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience concluded that participating in an eight-week meditation training program was evident in brain function outside of meditation sessions.

TRY IT: High Performance Coach Stephanie Kakris, who teaches meditation, recommends starting with a guided meditation using an app such as Relax and Rest, which gives five-, 13- or 20-minute options with music or nature sounds.

Whether cerebral exercises have any long-term effect on mental performance remains inconclusive, but play has been shown to hone brain processes neglected in routine-driven adult life. "The main problem is that although people can train themselves to do better on particular tasks, the performance improvement rarely generalises to other tasks and abilities," says professor Nick Haslam, of the Melbourne School of Psychological Sciences.

TRY IT: Neuroscientists have designed a series of games called Lumosity to help challenge certain parts of your brain. The online and smartphone resource let's you exercise core cognitive abilities whenever and wherever you like.

There's no greater smart sabotage than undersleeping. Conversely, fixing your sleep habits can give you an instant thinking edge. "Being well rested means you will use your cognitive skills more efficiently because tiredness, anxiety and stress interfere with mental clarity, focus and concentrated effort," says Prof Haslam.

TRY IT: Sleeping for as little as an hour less than you need to each night incrementally nets a costly sleep debt according to studies at University of Pennsylvania and the Walter Reed Research Institute. Participants who slept for six hours a night for a fortnight exhibited cognitive parallels to being legally drunk. Aim for eight hours.

Vigorous physical exercise has been shown to have long- and short-term brain benefits. Findings published in Behavioural Brain Research suggest certain hormones, which are increased during exercise, may help improve memory and processing speed.

TRY IT: Get at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity into most, if not all, days of the week. You can break it into short bouts such as three 10-minute sessions each day. 

If you're the adventurous type, Anaconda is here to help you gear up with the latest sports, health and fitness gear. Give your brain a refreshing boost by getting fresh air and stimulate your brain's function and boost development.

Networking serves as intensive training in social intelligence. "A big part of success in life is the ability to build strong interpersonal relationships – be they in a netball team, a family unit or at work," says Kakris.

TRY IT Mixing with new people, ideas and environments exposes you to new ideas, ways of thinking and perspectives, which can expand the framework within which you think. Face-to-face is ideal, but social media can also serve as a sort of cognitive gym according to Florida behaviour therapist Andrea Kuszewski.

Here are 5 other tips to keep your brain healthy.



Your path to healthy skin


Looking for natural remedies to treat acne, eczema and other skin conditions? The dermatologist and nutritionist share their expert tips.


The experts show us how to optimise your diet for clearer, healthier, brighter skin. 


» Dermatologist says: "Look for products that are non-comedogenic, so they do not block pores or cause acne. Key pore-clearing ingredients include salicylic acid (beta hydroxy acids) and many vitamin A products. Also look for anti-inflammatory components such as benzoyl peroxide, zinc and niacinamide. You should look for products that are not too creamy or rich. Even without pore-blocking ingredients, oily or excessively moisturising products will have a detrimental effect on the skin. Go for mineral make-up and combination creams like BB and CC creams."

» Nutritionist says: "Consume a diet low in added sugars and avoid all highly refined, processed foods. Consume three to five cups of bright-coloured vegetables per day and consider supplements such as zinc, vitamin A and vitamin C. There are also natural, DIY methods. Antibacterial tea tree oil and witch hazel are often used on acne-prone skin. Or try combining sea salt and coconut oil and using as a natural exfoliate scrub for congested skin."


» Dermatologist says: "Corticosteroids or calcineurin antagonists may be used to help reduce inflammation and itch. Antihistamines may also help reduce the itch, while antibiotics may be required if infections are severe. Stick to cotton clothing, avoiding wool and synthetics, and you can also use wet dressings to help soothe the skin and reduce itchiness. Cosmetics are best avoided, but if necessary, look for ones that are hypoallergenic. Generally, food avoidance is not useful, but avoiding dairy products, nuts, eggs, chocolate, citrus fruits and wheat products may help."

» Nutritionist says: "Implement an elimination diet to determine possible food triggers, consume an anti-inflammatory, plant-based, whole food diet and consider supplements such as fish oil, vitamin E and probiotics. For eczema, coconut oil may also be of benefit as it's deeply moisturising and improves skin barrier function. Honey is also great, incorporated into a DIY face mask. It's antibacterial and a humectant, attracting water to help keep dry skin hydrated."


» Dermatologist says: "Overtopical astringents and topical Zovirax (acyclovir), cold sores are best treated by oral treatments of anti-virals like acyclovir, valalcyclovir and Famciclovir."

» Nutritionist says: "Address aggravating factors like food, lifestyle and stress. Avoid chocolate, peanuts and almonds and try to manage stress levels. Start incorporating foods that are high in lysine such as fish, chicken, beef, lamb, cheese, beans, brewer's yeast and mung bean sprouts and take supplements like lysine, zinc and vitamin C."


» Dermatologist says: "There is no single treatment that will cure psoriasis. However, it is possible to control it and sometimes clear it. Certain medications can slow down the rate at which the skin cells are produced, but it takes several weeks for your condition to improve. Sunlight helps to clear psoriasis, which is why it usually improves over summer. Remember that psoriatic skin is more easily damaged than normal skin, so you may need to consider skin protection if your job involves hard, manual work."

» Nutritionist says: "Look into possible food sensitivities and avoid potential triggers such as alcohol, gluten and dairy. Consume three to five cups of fresh vegetables per day and include turmeric, garlic and ginger. Supplements to take alongside may include fish oil, digestive enzymes, vitamin E and vitamin A."

Check out our health and beauty section for more tips and tricks.



Tackling anxiety


Learn more about recognising anxiety symptoms and how to treat it. 


The Problem: You often feel anxious, with negative thoughts and a racing heart. Frequently, your stomach feels queasy and occasionally you stop in the middle of the room and can't remember what you're doing. More and more, you find yourself in tears over the smallest things.

Mental Diagnosis: Anxiety. If the problem is ongoing, you could be diagnosed with GAD – generalised anxiety disorder. Your doctor will probably be keen to establish whether or not there has been any event in your life that may have triggered the psychological change, a death, break-up or another tragic event. If so, a diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder may be made.

Treatment for anxiety is wide ranging, from relaxation techniques and counselling to cognitive therapy and learning about what you are dealing with so you can problem-solve when anxiety arises. With anxiety, knowledge is definitely power.

Tranquilisers or antidepressants may be recommended by your GP, but usually only as a temporary measure while you're getting your life back on track with other therapies.

Physical Diagnosis: Anxiety can have a dietary cause. Inadequate intake of B vitamins and calcium can promote anxiety and magnesium deficiency can certainly contribute towards anxiety, particularly noticeable when added to PMS. 

Anxiety can also potentially contribute towards bladder infections and, interestingly, a bladder infection can, in turn, trigger anxiety. The biochemical reaction can also work on the gut and bowel, leading to symptoms of IBS, bloating and diarrhoea.

Discover four breathing techniques that help reduce stress.




How to avoid dry skin


Are you prone to dry skin? If you think your diet has nothing to do with it, your face may beg to differ.

The Suspects: Alcohol, Coffee, Poor Diet

In the short term, alcohol can cause dehydration, which can cause dry skin.

"For women, the recommendation is no more than two standard drinks a day on average," says dermatologist Ann-Maree Kurzydlo, who recommends limiting consumption and alternating alcoholic drinks with water. "One or two alcohol-free days should be had per week."

Caffeine is a diuretic and can also lead to dehydration of the skin - so steer clear of energy drinks as well as tea and coffee.

Meanwhile, dietitian Dr Joanna McMillan says diet can also play havoc with skin.

"A lack of fats in the diet can lead to dry skin, whereas good fats such as oily fish, avocado and olive oil deliver fat-soluble nutrients, are anti-inflammatory and promote skin health," she says.

"Certain nutrients are important for the skin including vitamins A, C, E and many antioxidants. A diet rich in plant foods – veg, fruit, nuts, seeds, legumes and wholegrains – boosts intake of these factors."

Discover more way to eat your way to healthy skin.



Discovering complementary therapies


There's no denying complementary therapies are on the rise. We've taken the guesswork out of discovering what these therapies mean and how they can be of benefit to you.


Osteopathy: Using observation and manipulation, the practitioner addresses any structural difficulties of movement which may affect the body and works towards realignment. May help with back or neck pain.

Acupuncture: Traditional Chinese therapy uses needles on specific meridian points, or 'energy lines', to address specific ailments and diseases. Based on the opposing forces of yin and yang. Can be used for a range of conditions including arthritis, allergies, asthma and insomnia.

Homoeopathy: Uses extremely diluted organic extracts. Based on the philosophy of 'like cures like' (not dissimilar to vaccines), homoeopathy is concerned with the underlying causes rather than the immediate symptoms. Has had good results in the treatment of colds, eczema, nausea and obesity.

Iridology: Analysing a person's health by an examination of a person's eye, specifically the iris. Often used by naturopaths and herbalists to identify the cause of a person's illness.

Kinesiology: A system of muscle testing linked to the functions of organs and energy. Has been used in the treatment of allergies, depression, tiredness and back pain as well as identifying any vitamin or mineral deficiency.

Naturopathy: Looks at diet and lifestyle and may use numerous treatments including herbs, essential oil, extracts and natural supplements. The focus is on prevention and self-help.

Herbal Medicine: A sophisticated 'complete' medical approach that has many branches including traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) as well as traditional Western methods. Has been popularly used in Australia to treat skin conditions such as eczema as well as treating digestive problems and sexual difficulties.

Chiropractic: Similar to osteopathy but uses more direct thrusting movements to realign the body rather than gentle manipulation. May also employ X-rays for diagnosis. Most commonly used for back and neck pain and sports injuries.

Hypnosis: The patient is placed in a 'trance-like' state where the practitioner is able to address any hidden problems. Has been used as part of an effective treatment for phobias and addiction, particularly smoking.

Looking for more natural ways to combat certain health issues? Discover how to reduce bloating naturally.




How your hormones affect PMS


Hormones play an important role in our health and wellbeing, here, we take a look at how your hormones affect your period

As well as period cramps, ovulation bloating or swollen breasts during your menstrual cycle, hormone fluctuations can mess with brain chemistry. In a study at New York's Cornell University, brain scans of women during peak PMS time showed much greater activity in the frontal lobes – the area that controls our emotions. After menstruation onset, the high activity in that area of their brain was no longer visible. It goes to show that premenstrual mood and behaviour changes are a response to a complex set of reactions and chain reactions involving neurotransmitters and hormones.

"Not only do hormones fluctuate throughout a woman's cycle, the rise and fall is substantial," says endocrinologist Sonia Davison. "At the start of the menstrual period, there is a very low level of oestrogen, but by mid cycle it has increased tenfold before falling down steeply again just before the next period. Meanwhile, as oestrogen levels are dipping, in the week before menstruation, there is a huge decline in progesterone as well."

Lower oestrogen can wreak havoc on pre-menstrual emotions by dropping levels of mood-boosting hormones such as serotonin and dopamine. Lower levels of 'feelgood' hormones may explain why many women report feeling less calm and more aggro or sad at that time of the month. Compounding the issue, a concomitant fall in progesterone levels causes endorphin levels to nose-dive. Endorphins are the chemicals associated with a runner's high because they elevate mood, so lower levels can also ramp up PMS-related depression.

Surprisingly, studies show no difference in the hormone levels between women who experience PMS and those who don't. "Where the differences occur is in how these women respond to the hormone changes in their brain," says Davison. "Some have bigger responses to changes in progesterone shifts while others respond oestrogen fluctuations."

How to repair it

Habits native to PMS such as skipping meals and sleep exacerbate symptoms of PMS. Foods that help to stabilise blood sugar are a good start. "Grains that have a low glycaemic index, which means that they provide longer-lasting energy, can also help to increase the hormone serotonin in the brain, so try some chickpeas, brown rice or quinoa," says dietitian Melanie McGrice. According to reproductive hormone specialist Professor Jayashri Kulkarni, supplements may help. "The two I suggest are vitamin B6 and evening primrose oil, which has healthy essential fatty acids. Both have been shown in studies to help alleviate some symptoms in women with PMS and many women benefit from them." A 2010 study concluded that the combination of magnesium and vitamin B6 was particularly helpful for decreasing PMS symptoms. "Nuts are rich in both magnesium and B6, so I'd recommend eating 30 g of unsalted nuts daily in the week prior to your period," says McGrice. If all else fails, newer contraceptive pills may help to establish a more stable hormonal pattern. An iron deficient diet has also been linked to increased risk of PMS. University of Massachusetts research found that women with higher non-heme iron, which comes from plant sources, are 30 to 40 per cent less likely to experience PMS. This is possibly because low iron affects levels of serotonin. Good sources of non-heme iron include silverbeet and spinach, broccoli, bok choy, soy beans and lentils.

NEXT: Discover why it's important to get enough sleep each night.



How to beat fatigue


Are you constantly battling fatigue? Here, David Goding explores the causes of fatigue and how you can combat it.

The wrong cure

In our endless hunt for the mysterious 'edge', fatigue is our number-one enemy. So how do we combat it? With a variety of 'slap-yourself-in-the-face' stimulants to keep us on track, of course. Coffee, energy drinks, chocolate, more coffee, rubbing the eyes, pulling the hair, another coffee. It works, in the short term, but it's liable to put you more 'on edge' than give you any real edge to your focus or productivity.

When we finally get home we unwind with a couple of glasses of wine, which we think helps us sleep, and it can, but the quality of your sleep is usually compromised, leaving you drowsy and reaching for the snooze button, reaching for the snooze button, and just one more time before yet more coffee. And so on. It's a cycle of your own doing, and one not so easy to jump off.

The cause 

We're led to believe that fatigue is the great modern malaise spreading like an epidemic through office blocks and shopping malls, but what's behind all this exhaustion? And are we, in fact, the main cause? 

Yes, often fatigue is brought on by pushing ourselves too hard, high stress levels, too much caffeine and too little quality sleep, but there may also be other factors at play.

"The thyroid and adrenal glands produce hormones that give you an extra energy boost; however, it can be an anxiety-producing, frenetic kind of energy that does not do a body good," says Dr Eva Cwynar, endocrinologist and author of The Fatigue Solution.

"Yes, it will help you get through the day, but it will stress your mind and your body, which will eventually lead to more fatigue. Hormones send messages to your muscles, saying, 'Emergency, give up your sugar or else.' The muscles sacrifice the glucose and become depleted to save other cells throughout the body. And that's when we crash, burn, and become exhausted."

Dr Cwynar recommends an eight-step plan to combat fatigue and increase your energy.

The first step, she says, is to boost your protein levels. "A protein-based way of eating will get your eating habits on track and fuel your body's energy needs."

Next, make sure you implement a healthy, consistent sleep routine by practising a calming relaxation therapy, such as meditation, prior to going to bed (which should be at the same time every night). "A healthy sleeping schedule keeps your hormones balanced and your energy flowing," says Dr Cwynar.

Get plenty of exercise, which not only provides you with more energy but aids in improved sleep and lessens the risk of anxiety and depression. Dr Cwynar also stresses the importance of a healthy sex life.

"A good sex life increases overall energy. It releases endorphins and revs up your metabolism. But as with sleep, it's the quality of your sex life that makes the difference."

If you're still struggling to shake the fatigue, have your doctor run some tests, starting with the thyroid. 

"When women are rundown and overweight, many automatically assume they are having thyroid problems," says Dr Cwynar. "For some women, that is indeed the case. For others it is not. But it's important to know.

"Other tests will tell you if you are deficient in certain trace minerals and other micronutrients or if you have neurotransmitter imbalances that are contributing to the problems of energy depletion and fatigue."

NEXT: Stressed? Discover how stress affects your metabolism.
